I was able to upgrade from asterisk-lts-20 to asterisk-22.0.0-1 using this PKGBUILD. One thing I noticed, it replaced all my existing configuration in /etc/asterisk/ with .pacsave; which is a little annoying. I would have preferred the new files get added as .pacnew; is there any way to correct that? I don't have time to research the fix and supply a patch myself, so I apologize in advance if that is impolite to ask.
I was able to fix this with an anonymous zsh script, as root:
# for conf in *.pacsave; do
print ${conf}
orig=$(basename ${conf} .pacsave)
print ${orig}
mv -v ${conf} ${orig}
Incidentally I just pushed asterisk-lts-22 to the AUR; it depends on asterisk>=22, and asterisk<23. Next year when asterisk 23.0.0 is released (circa mid-October 2025), the asterisk-lts-22 PKGBUILD will be replaced with the latest PKGBUILD from asterisk on version 22 which is the latest LTS release until the release of 24 in 2026 (assuming Sangoma doesn't drastically change the established release cycle before then).
Pinned Comments
alerque commented on 2020-02-22 06:10 (UTC) (edited on 2020-02-22 06:34 (UTC) by alerque)
PSA: I've started hosting this and all its dependencies as prebuilt packages (x86_86 only) in my repository for those that want to install them using
without messing around with building from the AUR.