I did some debugging, and for my laptop asus wmi is not responsible at all for any battery stuff but the ACPI interface is. For my laptop its not used at all, BAT0 is added with acpi, it doesnt matter what I write in asus_wmi.
So if you're not having any positive results I'm probably going to revert, it's probably not worth it then.
Pinned Comments
archdevlab commented on 2024-08-15 03:38 (UTC)
I have adopted this package and have updated it!
<deleted-account> commented on 2023-05-04 16:38 (UTC)
GCC13.1 is mainlined in arch, so this means znver4 support can kick off on this kernel. The graysky compile patches have been updated too.
This kernel now natively supports the znver4 arch, but this kernel will most likely keep working on all AMD ryzen hardware. It's better to be able to address certain small perks or issues per architecture now and in the future.
<deleted-account> commented on 2020-10-26 18:15 (UTC)
GCC11.1 is mainlined in arch, so this means znver3 support can kick off on this kernel. The graysky compile patches have been updated too.
This kernel now natively supports the znver3 arch, but this kernel will most likely keep working on all AMD ryzen hardware. It's better to be able to address certain small perks or issues per architecture now and in the future.
<deleted-account> commented on 2019-11-10 15:23 (UTC)
Tired of compiling? Use this binary repo instead! Add this at the end of /etc/pacman.conf :