$> namcap perl-moose-2.1404-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
perl-moose E: ELF file ('usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so') found in an 'any' package.
This is an ERROR: please change arch to arch=(i686 x86_64)
Search Criteria
Package Details: perl-moose 2.2207-2
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | https://aur.archlinux.org/perl-moose.git (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | perl-moose |
Description: | A postmodern object system for Perl 5 |
Upstream URL: | https://metacpan.org/release/Moose |
Licenses: | GPL, PerlArtistic |
Submitter: | None |
Maintainer: | Ordoban |
Last Packager: | Ordoban |
Votes: | 82 |
Popularity: | 0.000027 |
First Submitted: | 2009-04-20 16:45 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-09-05 06:06 (UTC) |
Dependencies (20)
- perl-class-load
- perl-class-load-xs
- perl-cpan-meta-check
- perl-data-optlist
- perl-devel-globaldestruction
- perl-devel-overloadinfoAUR
- perl-devel-stacktrace
- perl-dist-checkconflicts
- perl-eval-closure
- perl-module-runtime
- perl-module-runtime-conflictsAUR
- perl-mro-compat
- perl-package-deprecationmanager
- perl-package-stash
- perl-package-stash-xs
- perl-params-util
- perl-sub-exporter
- perl-try-tiny
- perl-test-fatal (check)
- perl-test-needs (check)
Required by (119)
- agat
- demeter
- perl-any-moose
- perl-catalyst-action-rest
- perl-catalyst-actionrole-acl
- perl-catalyst-component-instancepercontext
- perl-catalyst-model-file
- perl-catalyst-plugin-authentication
- perl-catalyst-plugin-authentication (make)
- perl-catalyst-plugin-session
- perl-catalyst-plugin-session-dynamicexpiry
- perl-catalyst-plugin-session-store-delegate
- perl-catalyst-plugin-static-simple
- perl-catalyst-runtime
- perl-catalystx-component-traits
- perl-catalystx-leakchecker
- perl-config-mvp
- perl-config-mvp-reader-ini
- perl-data-tree
- perl-data-visitor
- perl-devel-repl
- perl-dist-zilla
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-bootstrap-lib
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-catalyst
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-checkchangeshascontent
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-checkextratests
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-config-git
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-git-describeversion
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-github
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-github-uploadrelease
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-hasversiontests
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-homepage
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-installguide
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-minimumperl
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-osprereqs
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-ourpkgversion
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-podweaver
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-prepender
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-readmefrompod
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-test-distmanifest
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-test-minimumversion
- perl-dist-zilla-plugin-test-perl-critic
- perl-dist-zilla-role-bootstrap
- perl-dist-zilla-role-modulemetadata
- perl-json-rpc-common
- perl-kavorka
- perl-lexical-accessor (check)
- perl-linux-lvm2
- perl-log-tree
- perl-mail-bimi
- perl-mason
- perl-math-random-secure (make)
- perl-moops
- perl-moosex-aliases
- perl-moosex-aliases (check)
- perl-moosex-app
- perl-moosex-app-cmd
- perl-moosex-attribute-env
- perl-moosex-attributehelpers
- perl-moosex-attributehelpers (check)
- perl-moosex-blessed-reconstruct
- perl-moosex-classattribute
- perl-moosex-clone
- perl-moosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast
- perl-moosex-enumeration
- perl-moosex-fileattribute
- perl-moosex-followpbp
- perl-moosex-getopt
- perl-moosex-has-options (make)
- perl-moosex-hasdefaults
- perl-moosex-lazyrequire
- perl-moosex-markasmethods
- perl-moosex-meta-typeconstraint-forcecoercion
- perl-moosex-methodattributes
- perl-moosex-mungehas (check)
- perl-moosex-nonmoose
- perl-moosex-object-pluggable
- perl-moosex-oneargnew
- perl-moosex-params-validate
- perl-moosex-poe
- perl-moosex-relatedclassroles
- perl-moosex-role-parameterized (make)
- perl-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor
- perl-moosex-setonce
- perl-moosex-singleton
- perl-moosex-strictconstructor
- perl-moosex-traits
- perl-moosex-traits (make)
- perl-moosex-traits-pluggable
- perl-moosex-types
- perl-moosex-types-json
- perl-moosex-types-laxnum
- perl-moosex-types-path-class (check)
- perl-moosex-types-perl (check)
- perl-moosex-types-structured
- perl-moosex-undeftolerant (check)
- perl-moosex-undeftolerant
- perl-moox-lazierattributes (check)
- perl-namespace-sweep
- perl-number-fraction
- perl-parse-method-signatures
- perl-perl-languageserver
- perl-perl-languageserver-git
- perl-pod-elemental
- perl-pod-elemental-perlmunger
- perl-pod-elemental-perlmunger (check)
- perl-pod-projectdocs
- perl-pod-weaver
- perl-role-hasmessage
- perl-role-identifiable
- perl-salvation
- perl-std
- perl-sys-fs
- perl-sys-run
- perl-task-moose
- perl-template-plugin-json
- perl-www-menugrinder
- rtsp-server
Sources (1)
Latest Comments
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bidulock commented on 2015-07-17 01:38 (UTC)
bidulock commented on 2015-06-29 09:51 (UTC)
Package contains an ELF file and must have arch=(i686 x86_64) instead of arch=(any).
Add 'glibc' to depends=() for namcap's sake.
Please bump pkgrel to trigger recompile against perl 5.22.0.
jnbek commented on 2015-05-29 19:48 (UTC)
@mortzu, install/upgrade perl-test-cleannamespace the current AUR version is 0.16
mortzu commented on 2015-05-22 05:47 (UTC)
error: target not found: perl-test-cleannamespaces>=0.13
BluePeril commented on 2015-03-20 12:56 (UTC)
Yes it will compile. Your version is compiled for ARM, my version is compiled for x86-64. So it is not platform independent. You have to set arch=('i686' 'x86_64') (and maybe the ARM-versions 'armv6h' 'armv7h')
godofgrunts commented on 2015-03-16 13:30 (UTC)
I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert in any way, but it did compile on my system. Here is my result for that command
[godofgrunts@alarmcbi ~]$ file /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f89602ce22065c835f7373cb71e8cdc06174ed94, not stripped
BluePeril commented on 2015-03-16 06:40 (UTC)
Sorry but I disagree to the cpu architecture independents. It contains /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so and I get
file /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Moose/Moose.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked
chimeracoder commented on 2015-03-16 01:24 (UTC)
@godofgrunts Thanks, I've updated the PKGBUILD accordingly.
godofgrunts commented on 2015-03-15 19:08 (UTC)
Alright sorry, I've been commenting as I go, but this should be the last one, I'll sum everything up in this comment.
Arch needs to be changed to arch=('any') as this is not cpu architecture dependent (confirmed by installing on my cubebox i which is arm7)
perl-devel-overloadinfo needs to be moved to makedepends instead of checkdepends as it's actually needed to build.
Pinned Comments
jnbek commented on 2016-06-07 16:40 (UTC)