Thanks for the insights. Much clear now in my head.
..., though I guess pjsua would build slightly faster because it simply does less.
Yes. That is a good point worth considering for end users. These pjproject/pjsua tools always take a huuuuuuuuuuuuge time to build on my PC. Dont really know why (written in C ? that shouldnt be the case right ?)
Non propietary, non GUI, non bloated, CLI friendly tools are a rare sight on Archlinux official and AUR packages.
But , like pjsua, they are a nightmare to configure to end users. I spent hours to finally make it work, with my user name, password and SIP provider. And I say this a very proficient command line user. Horrible documentation for configuring the client.
Inconsistent and imprecise instructions for configuring "addresses", "username" and "password" Is it "sip:xx@yyy:port" or "sip://" Or ... Slash, colon, @, port etc where exactly ? etc etc. The docs waste too much time in non essential stuff (tuning, proxys, codecs, bitrates ...) without a separate simple QUICKSTART.
I guess the original developers assume we must also be working in telephony, programming and setting up daily sip related tools. And be cozy and familiar with all those terms Real/Registar/STUN/resolver/etc ...
There are pages and pages of docs and READMES. But there is a lack of distinction in documentation for end users and documentation for developers.
Pinned Comments
alerque commented on 2020-02-22 05:37 (UTC)
PSA: I've started hosting this and also many other packages I maintain in the AUR as prebuilt packages in my repository for those that want to install them using
without messing around with building from the AUR.