I finally wave the white flag, having just built a new box with a fresh software install to find that VCV no longer logs in to my VCV account, and I cannot sync/download my library.. from the log:
[0.299 warn src/updater.cpp:26] Request for version failed
It seems to originate from a failed network request (curl). If I wasn't so invested in plugins, then I would have given up on this quite some time ago.
PS Upstream aren't helpful having taken the stance they will arbitrarily delete/silence any comments or reports that they dislike, take offence to, and they aren't very good at responding to actual issues. Good luck to anyone tempted to try this.
Pinned Comments
osamc commented on 2024-04-22 07:09 (UTC)
This AUR package is a mirror and automatically updated from the proaudio binary repo project at https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio
If possible, open a GitHub issue or PR instead of commenting here, thanks!
dvzrv commented on 2019-06-28 08:35 (UTC)
If you are interested in a well integrated vcvrack (eventually in the [community] repository), built with system libraries from a verifiable source tarball, please do voice your concern in this issue and/or this pull request. It seems upstream only considers changing anything, as soon as enough customers complain.