Hi impulse I have seen you email too
The fail was happening because there has been changes upstream and the patch no longer applied
I host part of my pkgbuilds here: https://github.com/FabioLolix/PKGBUILD-AUR_fix, at least appimagelauncher-git is there
Plus a new alt versions here https://github.com/FabioLolix/PKGBUILD-WIP/tree/main/cauldron_alt
I prefer that people make PR on github so I can evaluate the changes first
Pinned Comments
FabioLolix commented on 2024-09-15 14:55 (UTC)
Build fine with devtools but not with makepkg for me See https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Building_in_a_clean_chroot extra-x86_64-build
FabioLolix commented on 2023-11-29 22:43 (UTC)
There is an issue open since June https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher/issues/574
We have devtools for building in a clean chroot https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Building_in_a_clean_chroot, typically I do both a clean build and a dirty build but the program is broken now