Package Details: imod-bin 4.12.27-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: imod-bin
Description: Image-Processing, Modeling and Display Programs for Tomography and 3D Reconstruction
Upstream URL:
Licenses: GPL
Provides: 3dmod, 3dmodv, addtostack, adocxmlconv, alignframes, alignlog, alterheader, archiveorig, assemblevol, autofidseed, autopatchfit, avganova, avgstack, avgstatplot, b3dcatfiles, b3dcopy, b3dhostname, b3dremove, b3dtouch, b3dwinps, batchruntomo, beadtrack, binvol, blendmont, boxavg, boxstartend, calc, ccderaser, checkmtmod, checkxforms, chunksetup, clip, clipmodel, clonemodel, clonevolume, collectmmm, colornewst, combinefft, contourmod, convertmod, copyheader, copytomocoms, corrsearch3d, cryoposition, ctfphaseflip, ctfplotter, densmatch, densnorm, dm2mrc, dm3props, dualvolmatch, echo2, edgeeraser, edgemtf, edgepatches, edmont, edpiecepoint, endmodel, enhance, eraser, etomo, etomo.jar, etomoPluginDemo, excise, excludeviews, expandargs, extposition, extractmagrad, extractpieces, extracttilts, extstack, fenestra, fftrans, fiberpitch, filltomo, filterplot, findbeads3d, findcontrast, finddistort, findgradient, findhotpixels, findsection, findsirtdiffs, findwarp, finishjoin, fitpatches, fixboundaries, fixmont, flattenwarp, framewatcher, genhstplt, goodframe, gpumonitor, gputilttest, header, howflared, idfprocess, imavgstat, imod, imod-dist, imod2meta, imod2obj, imod2patch, imod2rib, imod2vrml, imod2vrml2, imodauto, imodchopconts, imodcpuload, imodcurvature, imodexplode, imodextract, imodfillin, imodfindbeads, imodhelp, imodinfo, imodjoin, imodkillgroup, imodmesh, imodmop, imodpsview, imodqtassist, imodsendevent, imodsetvalues, imodsortsurf, imodtrans, imoduntar, imodv, joinmodel, joinwarp2model, makecomfile, makegradtable, makejoincom, makepyramid, MarkersCorrespond, matchorwarp, matchrotpairs, matchshifts, matchvol, maxjoinsize, midas, model2point, montagesize, mrc2tif, mrcbyte, mrctaper, mrcx, mtdetect, mtffilter, mtk, mtlengths, mtmodel, mtoverlap, mtpairing, mtrotlong, mtsmooth, mtteach, nad_eed_3d, nda, newstack, numericdiff, onegenplot, onepatchcorr, patch2imod, patchcorr3d, patchcrawl3d, pickbestseed, point2model, preNAD, preNID, processchunks, prochunks.csh, queuechunk, RAPTOR, raw2mrc, rawtiltcoords, realscalemod, rec2imod, recombine, reducecont, reducemont, reducemtmod, refinematch, remapmodel, repackseed, resamplemod, restrictalign, rotatevol, rotmont, runimodqtapp, runraptor, sampletilt, scalemodel, sda, selfalign, setlibpath, settmpdir, setupcombine, setupcoms, setuplong, setupstitch, sirtsetup, slashfindspheres, slashmasksort,,, smoothsurf, solvematch, sortbeadsurfs, splitblend, splitcombine, splitcorrection, splitmrc, splittilt, squeezevol, startprocess, stitchalign, subimage, subimanova, subimstat, subm, submfg, subtomosetup, subtractcurves, sumdensity, taperoutvol, tapervoledge, tif2mrc, tilt, tiltalign, tiltxcorr, tomodataplots, tomopieces, tomopitch, tomosnapshot, tomostitch, transferfid, trimvol, vmstocsh, vmstopy, warpvol, wmod2imod, xcorrstack, xf2rotmagstr, xfalign, xfforfidless, xfinterstack, xfinverse, xfjointomo, xfmodel, xfproduct, xfsimplex, xftoxg, xyzproj
Submitter: vejnar
Maintainer: vejnar (MoritzWM)
Last Packager: MoritzWM
Votes: 1
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2022-09-01 20:45 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-02-11 10:13 (UTC)

Dependencies (5)

Required by (5)

Sources (2)

Latest Comments

vejnar commented on 2024-12-18 01:56 (UTC) (edited on 2024-12-18 01:57 (UTC) by vejnar)

You're now co-maintainer @MoritzWM. Feel free to update.

MoritzWM commented on 2024-12-13 09:29 (UTC)

Hello, are you still maintaining this package? I would otherwise gladly take over, since there is now imod 5 and I'm a quite active user. Also, technically this package should be called imod-beta-bin, no? Because the last stable version is 4.11.25