Just a quick heads-up: I prepared an automatic update script of this package. I will monitor it for a few days and enable it at the weekend.
What will it do?
It checks for a new version of JOSM every hour and updates the package in the AUR if necessary.
Why will it do this?
Because I get a lot of out-of-date flags for this package just because people do not understand how it is designed.
Why is/was it designed this way?
This package builds from the nightly build of JOSM (called "josm-latest"). This means it will change probably more than once a day. Thus the checksums are skipped and pkgver() will set the correct version. It downloads a binary, so I cannot use VCS magic.
The downside is that you won't get an update notification and if you cache the downloaded files, makepkg will not re-download them. This is a problem and I assume that some people were affected by this.
The new version will not contain checksums as well because I want the package to be built in every situation. This might result in an outdated version code, but this would last for less than a day anyway. I might improve it in the future if I get an Idea how to do it.
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