Hey FF,
Great to see progress.
Xen installs the /usr/lib/modules-load.d/xen.conf file.
It also contains (historic) module names that do not exist in our distribution.
will exit with failure for these nonexistant modules, but boot does continue.
see:pacman -Ql linux | grep -E 'xen-'
GRUB helper fixes upstream
Yes, will try for GRUB helper upstream changes.
Should not need my first GRUB patch -vmlinuz-*, +vmlinuz anymore, as it looks like mkinitcpio installs kernel as vmlinuz-${pkgbase} now I use dracut, so I cannot check this on system. https://git.archlinux.org/mkinitcpio.git/tree/libalpm/scripts/mkinitcpio-install
My second GRUB patch null config filename we could workaround by installing:
/boot/config-${linux pkgbase} with CONFIG_XEN_DOM0=y
in a pacman hook?
But this is only appropriate to booting Xen with GRUB on Arch
I will open bug upstream and pursue it there as well.
Pinned Comments
Refutationalist commented on 2025-03-12 12:06 (UTC) (edited on 2025-03-13 08:23 (UTC) by Refutationalist)
We've moved to the newly-stable 4.20.0 branch. There are also other changes:
If you're still using pygrub note that it is deprecated. The solution is to build PV grub instead, which used to be in AUR but is now missing. I am asking a couple questions on the mailing list, and I intend to put my current build of xen-grub (which supersedes xen-pvhgrub) on AUR as soon as possible. If you need to build it before that occurs, you can find it in my PKGBUILD repo.
EDIT: 4.20.0-2 adds support for the xen-edk2 package, which has a fixed UEFI for xen