Some basic instructions for using this package from the packager's perspective:
Xfce Settings
- Appearance -> Style: set either Windows XP, Windows Classic or Professional; make sure the switch "Set matching Xfwm4 theme..." is enabled
- Appearance -> Icons: set Luna
- Appearance -> Fonts: set Tahoma Regular for Default and Lucida Console Regular for Monospace
- Windows Manager -> Style tab: set same as for Appearance (if not changed already)
- Mouse and Touchpad -> Theme: set Windows XP Standard (or with shadows)
- Settings Editor -> xsettings -> change entry SoundThemeName to "Windows XP Default"
Login greeter:
- In LightDM config file (/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf) uncomment and set option "greeter-session=wintc-logonui"
Win XP tasbar:
- [! ! !] Note it's not a panel theme but a separate executable
- If you want to use it along Xfce panels just add Xfce Settings -> Session and Startup -> Application Autostart entry with command "wintc-taskband", set trigger to "on login"
- If you want to disable panel you can uninstall it or there's a trick:
- Login again, ensure Win XP taskbar shows up
- Go to Xfce Settings -> Session and Startup -> Currect Session
- Select "xfce4-panel" and Quit Program, after that click Save Session
- Also the "Automatically save session on logout" in General tab should be disabled
- Panel state will be preserved unless you override the session
This package contains some applications like Explorer and Notepad that can be just open from application list. You can check what is added in package file list after installing.
Pinned Comments
SelfRef commented on 2024-05-22 22:23 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-23 10:16 (UTC) by SelfRef)
Some basic instructions for using this package from the packager's perspective:
Xfce Settings
Login greeter:
Win XP tasbar:
This package contains some applications like Explorer and Notepad that can be just open from application list. You can check what is added in package file list after installing.