64 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
swift-bin 6.0.3-1 90 1.11 Binary builds of the Swift programming language susurri 2024-12-13 09:52 (UTC)
julia-bin 1.11.4-1 35 0.62 High-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language - official binaries alhirzel 2025-03-28 05:52 (UTC)
lustre-tools-6 1.0.0-1 2 0.37 The Lustre developpment tools free distribution version 6. mJolimaitre 2024-11-12 14:15 (UTC)
gengo 0.12.2-1 1 0.37 Linguist-inspired language classifier adamperkowski 2025-03-11 21:56 (UTC)
murex 6.4.2063-43 3 0.24 A smarter shell and scripting environment with advanced features designed for usability, safety and productivity (eg smarter DevOps tooling) lmorg 2025-01-15 23:06 (UTC)
borealis-bin 0.3.0-1 1 0.08 The elegant and consistent programming language. Dominiquini 2024-11-21 00:33 (UTC)
borealis 0.3.0-1 1 0.08 The elegant and consistent programming language. orphan 2024-11-21 00:39 (UTC)
vlang 0.4.10-2 18 0.04 Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software vielfrass 2025-03-24 18:56 (UTC)
vlang-bin 0.4.9-2 5 0.03 Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software (binary release) orphan 2025-01-02 08:39 (UTC)
kotlin-language-server 1.3.13-1 14 0.01 Smart code completion, diagnostics and more for Kotlin using the Language Server Protocol aravance 2025-02-09 17:52 (UTC)
vlang-git 0.4.5.r93.ga1d4712b0b-1 2 0.01 Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software (development version) orphan 2024-04-10 14:01 (UTC)
ltex-ls-bin 16.0.0-3 11 0.01 LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool with support for LaTeX, Markdown, and others pu-007 2023-09-29 15:22 (UTC)
miniscript-cli 1.6.2-4 1 0.01 Simple, elegant language for embedding or learning to program kseistrup 2024-07-15 09:18 (UTC)
swift-bin-development 4:6.0.DEVELOPMENT-2 5 0.00 Binary builds of the Swift programming language (dev snapshot) soloturn 2024-06-17 19:14 (UTC)
java-language-server 0.2.39-1 6 0.00 Java language server using the Java compiler API GrimKriegor 2022-11-25 18:59 (UTC)
kotlin-language-server-git r1444.80fc538-1 4 0.00 Smart code completion, diagnostics and more for Kotlin using the Language Server Protocol aravance 2023-11-15 22:29 (UTC)
python-deepl 1.19.1-2 3 0.00 Python library for the DeepL API alerque 2024-12-23 11:43 (UTC)
mintlocale 1.6.4-1 21 0.00 Language and locale selection tool Santi-Burgos 2024-12-22 04:39 (UTC)
lustre-tools-4 1.0.0-1 1 0.00 The Lustre developpment tools free distribution version 4. mJolimaitre 2024-03-13 13:18 (UTC)
velus-git 3.0.0-1 1 0.00 The Velus Lustre compiler. mJolimaitre 2024-03-06 13:09 (UTC)
langmix-git 0.2.1.r0.gbe671f7-1 1 0.00 Extract and merge multilingual subtitles into one file radioxoma 2023-03-13 20:43 (UTC)
kbdd-git 0.7.1.r11.g7f3d9d2-1 40 0.00 Simple daemon and library to make per window layout vchimishuk 2020-02-10 23:03 (UTC)
iso-flag-png 1.0.2-2 11 0.00 ISO country flags in PNG format Santi-Burgos 2023-09-23 00:37 (UTC)
prisma-language-server 5.10.2-1 2 0.00 Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for Prisma Dosx001 2024-02-25 23:36 (UTC)
zig-git 0.11.0.r3596.gfbb38a7682-1 12 0.00 a programming language prioritizing robustness, optimality, and clarity leopoldek 2024-04-08 18:38 (UTC)
ember-language-server 2.30.5-3 1 0.00 The Ember Language Server (ELS) implements the Language Server Protocol for Ember.js projects. bcarlin 2024-12-22 00:38 (UTC)
yaksha 0.0.8-0 0 0.00 A Programming language with off-side rule syntax,and YakshaLisp sublanguage. sachinsenal 2024-04-15 02:40 (UTC)
xkblayout-remember-git r23.bf028b1-5 0 0.00 Program to remember the keyboard layout for X11 windows. koonix 2023-04-24 09:27 (UTC)
xdxf2slob-git 5.c69d4bb-1 0 0.00 Aard 2 Dictionary: Tool to convert XDXF (visual) dictionaries to slob format radioxoma 2016-11-03 15:46 (UTC)
verona 8-2 0 0.00 Microsoft's Verona programming language interpreter and compiler Yuhanun 2020-04-18 15:28 (UTC)
urdu-digit 0.0.17-1 0 0.00 Convert English digits to Urdu ones. siphr 2022-03-13 17:00 (UTC)
trunk-lwt-bin 0.0.4-1 0 0.00 Language learning application. AronYoung 2023-06-23 13:19 (UTC)
sidef-git 24.11.r0.g9ac0a9b9-1 1 0.00 A modern object-oriented programming language (-git version). trizen 2024-11-28 19:38 (UTC)
sidef 24.11-1 4 0.00 A modern object-oriented programming language. trizen 2024-11-28 19:38 (UTC)
quint-bin 0.23.1-2 0 0.00 An executable specification language with delightful tooling based on the temporal logic of actions (TLA) rnbguy 2025-03-11 11:06 (UTC)
quint 0.23.1-1 0 0.00 An executable specification language with design and tooling focused on usability. It is based on the Temporal Logic of Actions rnbguy 2025-03-10 16:02 (UTC)
python-slob-git 49.d1ed71e-1 0 0.00 Aard 2 Dictionary: Library and tool to work with Slob (sorted list of blobs) dictionary files radioxoma 2016-11-03 15:43 (UTC)
python-gensim 4.3.3-1 16 0.00 Library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora edh 2024-07-31 04:01 (UTC)
php-language-server 5.4.6-4 0 0.00 PHP language server implementation orphan 2023-06-21 12:32 (UTC)
openoffice-extension-languagetool 6.0-1 3 0.00 An Open Source style and grammar checker (more than 30 languages) 3ED_0 2023-01-21 23:32 (UTC)
ol 2.6-1 0 0.00 Otus Lisp, a purely functional dialect of Scheme yuriy-chumak 2024-11-07 17:37 (UTC)
mystem 3.1-2 3 0.00 Morphological analyser of the text for Russian, Polish and English. daskol 2024-02-28 22:55 (UTC)
lsdreader 0.2.15-1 1 0.00 Decompile ABBYY Lingvo LSD dictionaries to DSL radioxoma 2022-02-23 16:02 (UTC)
llama-app-bin 0.0.1-1 0 0.00 a simple app to use LLaMa language models on your computer, built with rust, llama-rs, tauri and vite. AronYoung 2023-06-23 13:21 (UTC)
linggle-git 0.1.1.r0.g7f81bc5-1 1 0.00 A CLI tool of Linggle implemented in rust. OIdiotLin 2019-06-11 04:19 (UTC)
languageclient-neovim-bin 0.1.161-2 2 0.00 Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for Vim and NeoVim. orphan 2021-05-20 04:03 (UTC)
languageclient-neovim 0.1.161-2 3 0.00 Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for Vim and NeoVim. orphan 2021-05-20 04:04 (UTC)
jstar 1.8.6-2 1 0.00 A Lightweight Embeddable Scripting Language bamless 2021-07-12 21:54 (UTC)
jolie 1.10.5-2 0 0.00 The Jolie programming language orphan 2021-07-18 21:31 (UTC)
java-language-server-git 0.2.38.r1631.7fffb6c5-1 1 0.00 Java language server using the Java compiler API GrimKriegor 2022-11-25 18:55 (UTC)

64 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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