62 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Name Version Votes Popularity? Description Maintainer Last Updated
lunarvim-git 1.4.0.r3.g85ccca97-3 6 0.19 An IDE layer for Neovim with sane defaults. Completely free and community driven. Hanatomizu 2024-09-16 05:04 (UTC)
vivify-bin 0.6.5-1 1 0.18 Markdown preview tool which can be used standalone or plug into an editor like (Neo)Vim tuurep 2025-02-09 17:14 (UTC)
neovim-plug 0.14.0-1 26 0.17 A Neovim plugin manager MagicAndWires 2024-07-15 12:11 (UTC)
vim-youcompleteme-git r3216.0d855962-1 170 0.16 A code-completion engine for Vim artafinde 2024-08-19 15:53 (UTC)
neovim-gtk 1.0.4-1 21 0.07 GTK UI for Neovim written in Rust alerque 2024-10-30 21:00 (UTC)
neovim-telescope 0.1.8-1 2 0.00 Extendable fuzzy search for Neovim bergentroll 2024-05-24 06:56 (UTC)
ruby-neovim 0.10.0-1 23 0.00 Ruby bindings for Neovim tjquillan 2024-09-21 17:29 (UTC)
neovim-nightfox 3.10.0-1 1 0.00 Highly customizable Neovim theme with support for a variety of plugins bergentroll 2024-07-23 11:13 (UTC)
oni 0.3.9-2 29 0.00 An IDE built around Neovim badosu 2019-01-18 15:11 (UTC)
vivify 0.6.5-1 0 0.00 Markdown preview tool which can be used standalone or plug into an editor like (Neo)Vim tuurep 2025-02-09 17:15 (UTC)
vim-wpgtk-git r16.84735c3-2 0 0.00 Vim colorscheme for wpgtk orphan 2021-03-04 03:47 (UTC)
vim-suda-git 0.3.0.r0.gfbb138f-2 0 0.00 Vim plugin for writing out files with sudo orphan 2021-04-10 22:54 (UTC)
vim-suda 0.3.3-1 0 0.00 Vim plugin for writing out files with sudo orphan 2022-02-11 15:12 (UTC)
vim-plantuml-git 0.2.0.r48.geb3df30-1 1 0.00 Vim syntax for PlantUML orphan 2021-03-10 02:33 (UTC)
vim-neomake-git r2741.8df87617-1 0 0.00 Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim orphan 2021-10-16 07:38 (UTC)
vim-mkdx-git 1.10.0.r23.g7fc33a8-1 0 0.00 Vim plugin that adds Markdown-related features orphan 2021-04-27 19:59 (UTC)
vim-m3u 1-2 0 0.00 Syntax description file for m3u file format in vim/neovim you-oopsdev 2025-02-09 11:38 (UTC)
vim-lsp-git 0.352.0310241-2 0 0.00 async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim SilverRainZ 2019-03-06 01:08 (UTC)
vim-goyo-git 1.6.0.r37.ga865dec-4 0 0.00 Distraction-free writing in Vim orphan 2021-05-01 04:53 (UTC)
vim-fern 1.51.2-1 0 0.00 General purpose asynchronous tree viewer orphan 2022-10-18 19:01 (UTC)
vim-code-minimap-git r146.45a8eab-1 1 0.00 Blazing fast minimap for Vim, powered by code-minimap orphan 2021-08-29 01:34 (UTC)
neovim-code-minimap-git r146.45a8eab-1 1 0.00 Blazing fast minimap for Vim, powered by code-minimap orphan 2021-08-29 01:34 (UTC)
uivonim-git 0.29.0.r112.ge63bfe5-1 0 0.00 Fork of the Veonim Neovim GUI.Use system-wide electron. zxp19821005 2024-10-18 10:28 (UTC)
uivonim-bin 0.29.0-6 0 0.00 Fork of the Veonim Neovim GUI zxp19821005 2024-05-30 02:09 (UTC)
uivonim 0.29.0-2 0 0.00 Neovim GUI designed for programming orphan 2022-07-18 16:11 (UTC)
nyaovim 0.2.0-1 18 0.00 Neovim frontend built on Electron fusion809 2018-01-28 05:49 (UTC)
nvui-git v0.1.4.v2.r6.g87f61c0-1 1 0.00 A modern frontend for Neovim Avimitin 2022-01-02 02:21 (UTC)
nvimpager-git 0.12.0.r9.gbdb1c64-1 8 0.00 Use nvim as a pager to view manpages, diffs, etc with nvim's syntax highlighting gargoil 2023-08-11 22:15 (UTC)
nvim-pygtk3-git r41.ff7b7c1-1 4 0.00 PyGTK3 frontend to Neovim with some visual GUI elements. rliang 2017-10-24 01:49 (UTC)
nvim-ghost-git 0.3.2.r20.ga1ca0b2-1 2 0.00 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser. This is the nvim-only plugin (git version) ZenRen 2023-09-18 21:55 (UTC)
neovim-workspace 1.0b1-1 1 0.00 Neovim workspace manager plugin for managing groups of files MagicAndWires 2016-10-13 15:51 (UTC)
neovim-ultisnips 3.2-1 2 0.00 TextMate-style snippets for Neovim. MagicAndWires 2024-03-10 03:51 (UTC)
neovim-truezen-git r1080.bd7d0f6-1 0 0.00 Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for Neovim orphan 2021-07-26 17:23 (UTC)
neovim-taglist 46-2 2 0.00 A source code browser plugin for Neovim MagicAndWires 2017-02-07 15:02 (UTC)
neovim-tagbar 3.1.1-1 4 0.00 Neovim plugin to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure MagicAndWires 2024-03-10 02:35 (UTC)
neovim-syntastic 3.9.0-1 4 0.00 Automatic syntax checking for Neovim MagicAndWires 2018-05-20 20:30 (UTC)
neovim-surround 2.2-1 1 0.00 Provides mappings to easily delete, change, and add paired "surroundings" MagicAndWires 2024-03-10 04:01 (UTC)
neovim-supertab 2.1-1 3 0.00 A Neovim plugin that allows you to use the tab key to do all insert completion. MagicAndWires 2016-10-13 15:36 (UTC)
neovim-seti 1.0-1 2 0.00 Colorscheme based on Jesse Weed's Seti theme for the Atom editor MagicAndWires 2016-10-13 15:32 (UTC)
neovim-rpc-api-explorer 0.2.3-2 0 0.00 Java application used to explore NeoVim RPC API, useful for remote plugin development esensar 2021-03-11 19:03 (UTC)
neovim-registers 2.3.0-1 0 0.00 Neovim plugin to preview the contents of the registers lmartinez-mirror 2024-03-30 16:44 (UTC)
neovim-qt-git 0.2.16.r207.gb4ca557-1 39 0.00 GUI for Neovim (git version) aabmass 2023-06-17 23:19 (UTC)
neovim-project 1.4.1-1 1 0.00 Organize and navigate projects of files (like an ide/buffer explorer) MagicAndWires 2016-10-13 15:30 (UTC)
neovim-plug-git 0.10.0.r38.c319036-1 6 0.00 A minimalist Vim plugin manager zenekron 2020-07-16 06:39 (UTC)
neovim-octo-git r480.7f21187-1 0 0.00 Neovim plugin for editing and reviewing GitHub issues and pull requests orphan 2021-07-07 07:12 (UTC)
neovim-nerdtree 6.10.16-1 6 0.00 Tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem MagicAndWires 2021-12-19 07:25 (UTC)
neovim-nerdcommenter 2.6.0-2 3 0.00 A Neovim plugin that allows for easy commenting of code for many filetypes MagicAndWires 2022-01-22 23:05 (UTC)
neovim-lualine-git r511.385580e-2 2 0.00 Lua-based statusline for Neovim daringcuteseal 2022-04-13 15:47 (UTC)
neovim-jellybeans 1.7-2 7 0.00 Colorful, dark color scheme, inspired by ir_black and twilight masoud 2024-09-09 20:30 (UTC)
neovim-indent-object 1.1.2-1 1 0.00 Text objects based on indent levels MagicAndWires 2016-10-13 15:24 (UTC)

62 packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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