Add this before the meson command in prepare for the ones who really want to build it
sed -i '37s/zbar-rust = "0.0"/zbar-rust = { git = "https:\/\/\/tytan652\/zbar-rust.git", branch = "fix_minor_version"}/' Cargo.toml
It will make cargo use a version of zbar-rust who let compile with 0.23 versions
Pinned Comments
depau commented on 2021-03-25 10:07 (UTC) (edited on 2021-03-25 10:14 (UTC) by depau)
FYI, Authenticator also uses this unmerged GStreamer patch:
It will run but it will crash when you try to add an account.
Once again, I'm sorry but use the Flatpak package or the latest release in the
non-git package. The upstream developer keeps pulling in unstable, unreleased dependencies so really do not use it, use an officially supported package, a self-hosted BitWarden or something else.