Package Details: zrythm 1.0.0-3

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: zrythm
Description: A feature-rich digital audio workstation with support for various plugin formats and advanced audio processing capabilities
Upstream URL:
Keywords: daw
Licenses: LicenseRef-ZrythmLicense
Submitter: alexteee
Maintainer: nikost74
Last Packager: nikost74
Votes: 41
Popularity: 0.45
First Submitted: 2019-01-01 17:00 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-03-10 19:52 (UTC)

Dependencies (57)

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Sources (2)

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chrisco23 commented on 2022-12-05 02:41 (UTC)

I know you guys are working on this and I'm super grateful. After 20 years of kinda hoping for a linux DAW that works for me, I think it's this one. But for a few months now, the package situation has kinda been burnt into my retinas. "Missing AUR Debug Packages: zrythm-debug -> Orphaned AUR Packages: lsp-dsp-lib -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages: lsp-dsp-lib qt5-styleplugins stockfish zrythm"

Any recommendations from our community here?

Scrumplex commented on 2022-10-15 09:28 (UTC)

Newer zrythm versions require carla 2.6.0, which hasn't been released yet.

Scrumplex commented on 2022-09-11 10:28 (UTC) (edited on 2022-09-11 10:29 (UTC) by Scrumplex)

I have updated the package to 3.4.1. This makes it incompatible with your system installation of libadwaita, which is why this isn't suitable for everyone. Right now I don't have a better solution, because it looks like statically linking libadwaita isn't really possible currently. If you want to keep using zrythm on environments, where you can't remove the libadwaita package, I recommend using the Flatpak for now.

As libadwaita 1.2 is on the horizon, this packaging situation will get better soon.

BrainDamage commented on 2022-09-10 14:10 (UTC)

the current packaged version fails to build in a clean chroot due to missing deps:

Run-time dependency lilv-0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency lilv-0
Building fallback subproject with default_library=shared ERROR: Neither a subproject directory nor a lilv.wrap file was found.

Scrumplex commented on 2022-09-03 12:30 (UTC)

I have not managed to build the latest version of zrythm, without causing conflicts with the system installation of gtk4, libadwaita and gtksourceview5.

I also can't get meson to link gtk4 statically.

If anyone wants to hack on this, this is my patch for the current PKGBUILD:

commit a84ab2b3727bfb927c55b638eb78254e6bc80bfe
Author: Sefa Eyeoglu <>
Date:   Sat Sep 3 14:28:09 2022 +0200


diff --git a/zrythm/.SRCINFO b/zrythm/.SRCINFO
index c9914bc..1fd35ed 100644
--- a/zrythm/.SRCINFO
+++ b/zrythm/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
 pkgbase = zrythm
    pkgdesc = a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
-   pkgver = 1.0.0.beta.2.0.3
-   pkgrel = 2
+   pkgver = 1.0.0.beta.3.4.1
+   pkgrel = 1
    url =
    arch = x86_64
    arch = i686
    license = AGPL3
+   makedepends = git
    makedepends = meson
    makedepends = cmake
    makedepends = ruby-sass
    makedepends = help2man
    makedepends = sassc
-   depends = gtk4
+   makedepends = gi-docgen
    depends = graphviz
    depends = carla
    depends = fluidsynth
@@ -20,11 +21,9 @@ pkgbase = zrythm
    depends = libaudec
    depends = xxhash
    depends = libcyaml
-   depends = libadwaita
    depends = reproc
    depends = libbacktrace
    depends = rubberband
-   depends = gtksourceview5
    depends = fftw
    depends = sratom
    depends = serd
@@ -36,13 +35,29 @@ pkgbase = zrythm
    depends = sdl2
    depends = chromaprint
    depends = boost
+   depends = dconf
+   depends = libxrandr
+   depends = graphene
+   depends = libepoxy
+   depends = json-glib
+   depends = libxinerama
    optdepends = realtime-privileges: allow memory locking
    conflicts = zrythm-git
    options = debug
-   source =
-   source =
+   source =
+   source =
+   source = git+
+   source = git+
+   source = git+
+   source = git+
+   source =
    validpgpkeys = 48132384AD3DF7D86E254B83022EAE42313D70F3
-   sha256sums = 46258667a26e40a8cbd50c7363054a6dc48d51acb41284cbb97142c3dd9af6a1
+   sha256sums = c928eeb5a3010e49164fd6e858d0a8b1c1210e00a3c3d1b817cde5b7c1944505
    sha256sums = SKIP
+   sha256sums = SKIP
+   sha256sums = SKIP
+   sha256sums = SKIP
+   sha256sums = SKIP
+   sha256sums = c9b34fa02654f56ce22fa08827d89db4ba81631b2e6d7d31ea65d13c729430e9

 pkgname = zrythm
diff --git a/zrythm/PKGBUILD b/zrythm/PKGBUILD
index 49808b4..7eaaac9 100644
--- a/zrythm/PKGBUILD
+++ b/zrythm/PKGBUILD
@@ -2,36 +2,53 @@
 # Contributor: Alexandros Theodotou <alex at zrythm dot org>

 pkgdesc='a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation'
 arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-depends=('gtk4' 'graphviz' 'carla' 'fluidsynth' 'vamp-plugin-sdk' 'guile' 'libaudec' 'xxhash' 'libcyaml' 'libadwaita' 'reproc' 'libbacktrace' 'rubberband' 'gtksourceview5' 'fftw' 'sratom' 'serd' 'portaudio' 'breeze-icons' 'rtmidi' 'rtaudio' 'lsp-dsp-lib' 'sdl2' 'chromaprint' 'boost')
-makedepends=('meson' 'cmake' 'ruby-sass' 'help2man' 'sassc')
+depends=('graphviz' 'carla' 'fluidsynth' 'vamp-plugin-sdk' 'guile' 'libaudec' 'xxhash' 'libcyaml' 'reproc' 'libbacktrace' 'rubberband' 'fftw' 'sratom' 'serd' 'portaudio' 'breeze-icons' 'rtmidi' 'rtaudio' 'lsp-dsp-lib' 'sdl2' 'chromaprint' 'boost' 'dconf' 'libxrandr' 'graphene' 'libepoxy' 'json-glib' 'libxinerama')
+makedepends=('git' 'meson' 'cmake' 'ruby-sass' 'help2man' 'sassc' 'gi-docgen')
 optdepends=('realtime-privileges: allow memory locking')
-            'SKIP')
+        "git+"
+        "git+"
+        "git+"
+        "git+"
+        "")
+            'SKIP'
+            'SKIP'
+            'SKIP'
+            'SKIP'
+            'SKIP'
+            'c9b34fa02654f56ce22fa08827d89db4ba81631b2e6d7d31ea65d13c729430e9')

 prepare() {
   cd "$pkgname-$_pkgver"

-  rm -r subprojects
+  # make stb.wrap use our local clone
+  sed -i "s||$srcdir/gtk|" "subprojects/gtk4.wrap"
+  sed -i "s||$srcdir/libadwaita|" "subprojects/libadwaita.wrap"
+  sed -i "s||$srcdir/libpanel|" "subprojects/libpanel.wrap"
+  sed -i "s||$srcdir/zix|" "subprojects/zix.wrap"
+  ln -sf "$srcdir/gtksourceview-5.2.0" "subprojects/"
+  meson subprojects download gtk4 libadwaita libpanel gtksourceview5 zix

 build() {
   cd "$pkgname-$_pkgver"

-  # TODO: tests
+  # TODO: static link everything, gtk4 as well
   meson build --prefix=/usr \
-    -Doptimization=3 -Ddebug=true \
+    --force-fallback-for=gtk4,libpanel-1,libadwaita-1,gtksourceview-5,zix-0 \
+    -Ddebug=true \
     -Dmanpage=true \
     -Dcheck_updates=false \
     -Dportaudio=enabled -Drtmidi=enabled -Drtaudio=enabled -Dsdl=enabled
@@ -44,5 +61,8 @@ package() {
   install -vDm 644 AUTHORS \ THANKS TRANSLATORS \
     -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/"
-  DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" ninja -C build install
+  meson install -C build --destdir="$pkgdir"
+  mv "$pkgdir/usr/bin/zrythm" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/zrythm.bin"
+  install -vDm 755 ../ "$pkgdir/usr/bin/zrythm"

Scrumplex commented on 2022-05-14 08:07 (UTC)

I have reverted the last bump for now, until libadwaita 1.2 is available in the Arch repos. I think I shouldn't force people to use libadwaita-git

Ralf_Mardorf commented on 2022-05-13 00:00 (UTC)

It's probably possible to build the latest commit, without breaking an important package. I haven't done this for my install, but actually I don't care for gnome-calculator. Consider to bump the pkgver and to replace the commit by the latest from main, if no important package should be affected for your install.

$ pactree -r libadwaita
# asp checkout libadwaita
# cd libadwaita/repos/extra-x86_64/
# grep -e pkgver= -e commit PKGBUILD
_commit=5ec9f624b23bf78b29dd708e77ccdfcee0a9867a  # tags/1.1.1^0

nyxkn commented on 2022-05-12 18:38 (UTC)

build configuration fails when looking for libadwaita >= 1.2. the arch repos currently ship libadwaita 1.1

porzione commented on 2022-04-15 17:55 (UTC)

@Scrumplex thanks, I have installed boost package and now it's building fine

Scrumplex commented on 2022-04-15 16:53 (UTC)

porzione: Interesting. It isn't listed when running namcap on a built package. I am going to add it as a dependency anyway.