I encountered installation problems when yay attempts to install https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git because it's trying to checkout the master branch while the project on github appears to have replaced the master by main.
I'm not aware how I would be able to fix that myself.
The error message is: =================================== log end ==================================== ERROR: could not install deps [git+https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git@master#egg=teuthology[coverage,orchestra,test], nose]; v = InvocationError("~/.cache/yay/ceph/src/ceph-16.2.10/qa/.tox/import-tasks/bin/python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git@master#egg=teuthology[coverage,orchestra,test]' nose", 1) _____ summary ______ py3: commands succeeded ERROR: flake8: commands failed ERROR: import-tasks: could not install deps [git+https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git@master#egg=teuthology[coverage,orchestra,test], nose]; v = InvocationError("~/.cache/yay/ceph/src/ceph-16.2.10/qa/.tox/import-tasks/bin/python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git@master#egg=teuthology[coverage,orchestra,test]' nose", 1)
Pinned Comments
pbazaah commented on 2022-10-05 13:03 (UTC) (edited on 2022-10-05 13:03 (UTC) by pbazaah)
For future commenters:
https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/ceph | From source build (slow)
https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/ceph-bin | Pre-built binaries (fast)
Unlike the original community version, this repo builds ceph from source. Ceph is a large, complicated project so this takes several hours on a good build server.
To get a similar experience to how community/ceph worked (pre-built binaries) use ceph-bin instead.