Hello abdulhakeem! Seems like upstream has bumped the requirement from “0.52.0“ to “0.52.2“. The official package from Archlinux requires only “0.52.0”, maybe I should raise it for my package. Generally I like to keep it aligned to the official one.
Your fix: pacman -Syu
The Archlinux maintainers have provided vte-0.52.2 around 34 hours ago, with an up-to-date installation you cannot hit that problem.
Pinned Comments
hoschi commented on 2017-04-26 15:38 (UTC) (edited on 2022-11-06 16:47 (UTC) by hoschi)
This is less invasive than gnome-terminal-fedora because it doesn't include the notification feature. Therefore you can stay with the regular vte3 and vte-common! To fulfill the makedepends you probably need to install the packages itstool, docbook-xsl, appstream-glib and yelp-tools. Ensure that you have installed the package group base-devel, which is a requirement to use AUR.
Top Workaround with devilspie, fore- and background are transparent.
Bottom Background transparency with gnome-terminal, better readability.
@Users of Manjaro
Please check if Manjaro is providing the same version of GNOME, especially the dependencies vte3 and vte-common. If you want the package for an older release, you can pick the required files from the git log.