@andrewSC: it looks like there's been a release since the linked commit (assuming the timestamp is for when it was merged into the main tree) – 2.12.6; this was added to extra/fontconfig almost two days ago: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/fontconfig&id=30e82412901f2421b73587ef5d7b99a9167b78f9
I've been getting the listed error and I'm on this version, so it seems like the package should be updated as a result of this.
Separately – I was worried, at first, about the fonts being moved to dependencies – git packages are usually more up-to-date than their stable alternatives, so I thought this was restricting the package to the less recently updated stable versions of packages. However, unless I'm misunderstanding, the upstream git repo actually just collects together the latest versions of the relevant fonts, and that's why it's okay to move them to dependencies? (I'd appreciate clarification.)
Search Criteria
Package Details: ttf-google-fonts-git 1:r8380.47f307584-1
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | https://aur.archlinux.org/ttf-google-fonts-git.git (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | ttf-google-fonts-git |
Description: | TrueType fonts from the Google Fonts project (git version) |
Upstream URL: | https://github.com/google/fonts |
Keywords: | fonts google ttf |
Licenses: | custom:SIL Open Font License, custom:Ubuntu Font License v1.0 |
Conflicts: | jsmath-fonts, lohit-fonts, ttf-andika, ttf-arabeyes-fonts, ttf-cardo, ttf-comfortaa, ttf-google-fonts-typewolf, ttf-lekton, ttf-lora-cyrillic, ttf-medievalsharp, ttf-nova, ttf-oxygen, ttf-oxygen-git, ttf-pt-fonts, ttf-source-code-pro-ibx, ttf-source-sans-pro-ibx, ttf-vollkorn-ibx |
Provides: | jsmath-fonts, lohit-fonts, ttf-andika, ttf-cardo, ttf-carlito, ttf-comfortaa, ttf-lekton, ttf-lora-cyrillic, ttf-medievalsharp, ttf-nova, ttf-oxygen, ttf-oxygen-git, ttf-pt-fonts, ttf-source-code-pro-ibx, ttf-source-sans-pro-ibx, ttf-vollkorn-ibx |
Submitter: | sebstar |
Maintainer: | andrewSC |
Last Packager: | andrewSC |
Votes: | 557 |
Popularity: | 0.35 |
First Submitted: | 2013-04-27 20:41 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-08-06 23:47 (UTC) |
Dependencies (24)
- adobe-source-code-pro-fonts (ttf-adobe-source-code-pro-fontsAUR)
- adobe-source-sans-fonts (ttf-adobe-source-sans-fontsAUR)
- adobe-source-serif-fonts (ttf-adobe-source-serif-fontsAUR)
- cantarell-fonts (cantarell-fonts-0.100AUR, cantarell-static-fontsAUR)
- noto-fonts (noto-fonts-hinted-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-variable-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-variable-slim-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-variable-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-variable-slim-gitAUR, noto-fonts-liteAUR, noto-fonts-variable-liteAUR, noto-fonts-latin-greek-cyrillicAUR, ttf-noto-sans-vfAUR, ttf-noto-serif-vfAUR, ttf-noto-sans-mono-vfAUR, ttf-noto-megamergeAUR, noto-fonts-mainAUR)
- noto-fonts-extra (noto-fonts-hinted-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-variable-gitAUR, noto-fonts-unhinted-variable-slim-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-variable-gitAUR, noto-fonts-full-variable-slim-gitAUR, noto-fonts-variable-liteAUR, ttf-noto-sans-vfAUR, ttf-noto-serif-vfAUR, ttf-noto-sans-mono-vfAUR)
- ttf-anonymous-pro
- ttf-caladea
- ttf-croscore
- ttf-fira-mono
- ttf-fira-sans (ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-inconsolata (ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-lato (ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-merriweatherAUR (ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-merriweather-sansAUR
- ttf-opensans (ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-oswaldAUR
- ttf-quintessentialAUR
- ttf-roboto (ttf-roboto-fontconfigAUR, ttf-roboto-variableAUR, ttf-google-fonts-typewolfAUR)
- ttf-roboto-mono
- ttf-signikaAUR
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family
- fontconfig (fontconfig-gitAUR, fontconfig-ubuntuAUR) (make)
- git (git-gitAUR, git-glAUR) (make)
Required by (7)
- all-repository-fonts (requires ttf-carlito)
- multicolor-sddm-theme (optional)
- onlyoffice (requires ttf-carlito)
- onlyoffice-bin (requires ttf-carlito)
- peppercarrot-fonts (requires lohit-fonts)
- r7-office (requires ttf-carlito)
- solarized-sddm-theme (optional)
Sources (1)
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Throne3d commented on 2017-11-16 18:25 (UTC)
andrewSC commented on 2017-11-16 18:21 (UTC)
If you're getting an error building but it's not dependency related, check and make sure the installed version of fontconfig is at least 2.12.6+5+g665584a-1. You can find this out by running: `pacman -Q fontconfig`
There was an upstream regression in 2.12.6-1 that is resolved in 2.12.6+5+g665584a-1. This package now reflects that fix.
keepitsimpleengr commented on 2017-11-16 16:14 (UTC)
Tried, Uninstalled ttf-google-fonts-git using "-Rns" and reinstalled ttf-google-fonts-git no success.
==> ttf-google-fonts-git dependencies:
- fontconfig (already installed)
- xorg-mkfontdir (already installed)
- xorg-mkfontscale (already installed)
- xorg-fonts-encodings (already installed)
- noto-fonts (already installed)
- noto-fonts-extra (already installed)
- ttf-fira-sans (already installed)
- ttf-fira-mono (already installed)
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family (already installed)
- ttf-croscore (already installed)
- ttf-roboto (already installed)
- ttf-inconsolata (already installed)
- cantarell-fonts (already installed)
- ttf-merriweather (already installed)
- ttf-merriweather-sans (already installed)
- ttf-opensans (already installed)
- ttf-oswald (already installed)
- ttf-quintessential (already installed)
- ttf-signika (already installed)
- git (already installed) [makedepend]
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather-sans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-opensans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-oswald
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-quintessential
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-signika
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-oswald'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-quintessential'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-merriweather'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-merriweather-sans'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-opensans'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-signika'
==> WARNING: Your packages are saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-ljohnson
==> ERROR: unable to update
reefland commented on 2017-11-16 13:07 (UTC)
Had this error:
looking for conflicting packages...
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: ttf-google-fonts-git and ttf-google-fonts-typewolf are in conflict
Package "ttf-google-fonts-typewolf" is not installed.
Uninstalled ttf-google-fonts-git using "-Rns" and reinstalled ttf-google-fonts-git and everything resolved cleanly.
Cpt_Pi commented on 2017-11-16 07:12 (UTC)
I'm trying to update this package but I keep getting this error when it's about to install:
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: ttf-google-fonts-git and ttf-google-fonts-typewolf are in conflict
I've tried to uninstall ttf-google-fonts-typewolf, but it's not installed.
keepitsimpleengr commented on 2017-11-15 17:46 (UTC)
I am at a loss in dealing with this...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather-sans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-opensans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-oswald
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-quintessential
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-signika
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-oswald'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-quintessential'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-merriweather'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-merriweather-sans'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-opensans'
:: fonts-meta-extended-lt: installing ttf-google-fonts-git (1:r1212.a16b8302-3) breaks dependency 'ttf-signika'
==> WARNING: Your packages are saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-ljohnson
==> ERROR: unable to update
sQVe commented on 2017-11-15 16:57 (UTC)
@andrewSC Cheers for the response. I really appreciate your efforts with this package and it's super convinient for someone like me.
I think you are wise in where you see this package heading and I fully agree. All my problems with upgrading this package was solved when I did a -Rns and then reinstall. It installed all the needed dependencies etc.
abdulhakeem commented on 2017-11-15 14:55 (UTC)
I keep getting this when updating via pacaur. This didn't start happening until recently, not sure how to resolve:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-merriweather-sans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-opensans
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-oswald
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-quintessential
:: ttf-google-fonts-git: requires ttf-signika
If I try to install these packages it says it conflicts with ttf-google-fonts-git and asks me to remove it...should I just do that and then reinstall ttf-google-fonts-git afterwards?
andrewSC commented on 2017-11-15 13:25 (UTC)
thatgeek: Glad to hear you were able to get it resolved! And not a problem :) More than happy to help as long as the other person is actually trying lol
sQVe: I appreciate the comments. Here are my responses:
> @andrewSC I understand that the package depends on some external ttf packages but should these not be installed as dependencies by the package itself? I imagine that many will be confused.
I'm not entirely following here. Are you suggesting that this PKGBUILD should auto-install its own dependencies somehow?
> @andrewSC It does this correctly when installing from fresh, without an old ttf-google-fonts-git installed. It seems like there are cases where it does not warn about package conflicts though. This is the reason for the confusion.
In part of a larger ongoing effort I've been spending time trying to clean up the depends, provides, and conflicts arrays of this package. This package provides over 2400 TrueType fonts with over 900 font families. My goal for this PKGBUILD is for every font family in google/fonts that is already being packaged (whether that be in extra, community, or the AUR) for the distro, should be relied upon and become a dependency for this package. I've been working on a script[1] to help me sift through all the potential candidates.
For example the merriweather font family exists as a package within the AUR (ttf-merriweather) _and_ the google/fonts repo also provides this font family. I've made ttf-merriweather a dependency for this package and blacklisted google/fonts/ofl/merriweather during installation. The idea behind this change is to, first, rely on packages that are already being maintained for Arch. Second, to rely on a single package to provide the best version of a given font family. It doesn't make sense to have multiple packages providing the merriweather font family (or other font families) if it can be avoided.
Since there's going to be a fair number of dependencies, and some of those dependencies list ttf-google-fonts-git as a conflict, I'm contacting each maintainer to work through the changes. It'll take time but we'll end up with a higher quality package in the end.
[1] https://github.com/andrewSC/font-fengshui/blob/master/main.py
sQVe commented on 2017-11-15 05:55 (UTC)
@andrewSC It does this correctly when installing from fresh, without an old ttf-google-fonts-git installed. It seems like there are cases where it does not warn about package conflicts though. This is the reason for the confusion.
Pinned Comments
thatgeek commented on 2017-11-17 03:56 (UTC)