Package Details: gamescope-git 3.14.0.r6.g9e46c89-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: gamescope-git
Description: SteamOS session compositing window manager
Upstream URL:
Keywords: gamescope session steamcompmgr steamos
Licenses: BSD
Conflicts: gamescope
Provides: gamescope
Submitter: Scrumplex
Maintainer: Samsagax (bouhaa, alkazar, ruineka, pastaq, Sid127)
Last Packager: Sid127
Votes: 24
Popularity: 0.21
First Submitted: 2020-05-20 11:19 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-04-10 19:06 (UTC)

Dependencies (40)

Required by (28)

Sources (1)

Pinned Comments

Scrumplex commented on 2022-06-14 10:44 (UTC)

Please do not flag this package as out-of-date if it still builds fine and isn't missing any dependencies or anything

Latest Comments

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mmbossoni commented on 2024-02-10 12:43 (UTC) (edited on 2024-02-10 12:43 (UTC) by mmbossoni)

It fails to build if you have openvr package installed apparently

../gamescope/src/vr_session.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool gamescope::COpenVRBackend::Init()’:
../gamescope/src/vr_session.cpp:316:62: error: ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBar’ is not a member of ‘vr’; did you mean ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI’?
  316 |             vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayFlag( m_hOverlay, vr::VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBar,                   m_bEnableControlBar );
      |                                                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                              VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI
../gamescope/src/vr_session.cpp:317:62: error: ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarKeyboard’ is not a member of ‘vr’; did you mean ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI’?
  317 |             vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayFlag( m_hOverlay, vr::VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarKeyboard,   m_bEnableControlBarKeyboard );
      |                                                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                              VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI
../gamescope/src/vr_session.cpp:318:62: error: ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarClose’ is not a member of ‘vr’; did you mean ‘VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI’?
  318 |             vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayFlag( m_hOverlay, vr::VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarClose,      m_bEnableControlBarClose );
      |                                                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                              VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarSteamUI

joolsrulez commented on 2024-02-05 18:41 (UTC) (edited on 2024-02-05 18:44 (UTC) by joolsrulez)

PGKBUILD does build <--delme
Maintainer: Sefa Eyeoglu <--delme

_pkgname=gamescope pkgname=${_pkgname}-git pkgver=3.14.0.r6.g9e46c89 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Micro-compositor formerly known as steamcompmgr" arch=(x86_64) url="" license=("custom:BSD-2-Clause") depends=( # gamescope "libxcomposite" "libxtst" "libxres" "sdl2" "pipewire" "libxmu" "glm" "benchmark" # wlroots "libdrm" "libxkbcommon" "libinput" "pixman" "xorg-xwayland" "xcb-util-renderutil" "xcb-util-wm" "xcb-util-errors" "seatd" ) makedepends=("git" "meson" "ninja" "vulkan-headers" "glslang" "wayland-protocols" "cmake" )


provides=($_pkgname "steamcompmgr") conflicts=($_pkgname "steamcompmgr") source=( "$_pkgname::git+"
"git+" "git+" "git+" "git+" "git+" "git+" )

sha512sums=( 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' )


pkgver() {
cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname"
git describe --long --tags | sed 's/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'

prepare() { cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname"

for src in "${source[@]}"; do
    [[ $src = *.patch && -z "$(echo $src)" ]] || continue
    echo "Applying patch $src..."
    git apply "../$src"

#git add *
#git am -3 --rerere-autoupdate $srcdir/revert-nvidia-breaking-commit.patch
git checkout 04eb72b5f519c2ed1b13edf843754583b92bf8d6
git submodule init
git config submodule.subprojects/wlroots.url "$srcdir/wlroots"
git config submodule.subprojects/libliftoff.url "$srcdir/libliftoff"
git config submodule.subprojects/libdisplay-info.url "$srcdir/libdisplay-info"
git config submodule.subprojects/openvr.url "$srcdir/openvr"
git config submodule.subprojects/vkroots.url "$srcdir/vkroots"
git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update

# make stb.wrap use our local clone
sed -i "s||$srcdir/stb|" "subprojects/stb.wrap"
meson subprojects download


build() { cd "${_pkgname}"

params2=($CXXFLAGS) FLAGS="" for flag in ${params2[@]}; do if [[ -z $(echo " $flag" | grep -E "[-]fomit-frame-pointer|[-]fno-omit-frame-pointer|-O|-fuse-ld") && -n '$FLAGS' ]]; then FLAGS="$FLAGS $flag" echo "if branch: $flag" elif [[ -z $(echo " $flag" | grep -E "[-]fomit-frame-pointer|[-]fno-omit-frame-pointer|-O|-fuse-ld") ]]; then FLAGS="$flag" echo "elif branch: $flag" fi done export CFLAGS="-g2 -fno-semantic-interposition -falign-functions=32 -falign-jumps -falign-loops -falign-labels -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -march=native -Wno-uninitialized -fno-common -fno-semantic-interposition -falign-functions=32 -fweb -ftree-slp-vectorize -fivopts -ftree-vectorize -fno-plt -ftree-slp-vectorize -ftree-vectorize -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -mrecip=all -fno-common -fno-semantic-interposition -ftree-vectorize -fmerge-all-constants -fmerge-all-constants -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fgcse-after-reload -fdevirtualize-speculatively --param=vect-max-layout-candidates=8192 --param=sra-max-propagations=1024 --param=max-stores-to-track=1048576 --param=max-stores-to-sink=16 --param=max-stores-to-merge=8192 --param=max-store-chains-to-track=65536 --param=max-reload-search-insns=512 --param=max-hoist-depth=0 --param=max-gcse-memory=8000000 --param=loop-invariant-max-bbs-in-loop=100000 --param=max-cse-insns=10000 --param=max-dse-active-local-stores=5000 --param=max-cselib-memory-locations=5000 --param=max-cse-path-length=10000 --param=max-inline-insns-recursive=300 --param=loop-max-datarefs-for-datadeps=200000 --param=iv-max-considered-uses=50000 --param=max-peeled-insns=64 --param=iv-always-prune-cand-set-bound=100 --param=ira-max-conflict-table-size=80000 --param=ira-consider-dup-in-all-alts=1 --param=ipa-max-param-expr-ops=512 --param=ipa-max-loop-predicates=320 --param=ipa-max-agg-items=3200 --param=ipa-max-aa-steps=250000 --param=ipa-jump-function-lookups=32768 --param=dse-max-alias-queries-per-store=20480 --param=dse-max-object-size=2048 --param=max-tail-merge-iterations=10 --param=max-tail-merge-comparisons=1000 --param=loop-versioning-max-inner-insns=100 --param=loop-versioning-max-outer-insns=64" export CXXFLAGS="-fstrict-enums -g2 -fno-semantic-interposition -falign-functions=32 -falign-jumps -falign-loops -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -march=native -Wno-uninitialized -fno-common -fno-semantic-interposition -falign-functions=32 -fweb -ftree-slp-vectorize -fivopts -ftree-vectorize -fno-plt -ftree-slp-vectorize -ftree-vectorize -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -mrecip=all -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-common -fno-semantic-interposition -ftree-vectorize -fmerge-all-constants -fmerge-all-constants -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fgcse-after-reload -fdevirtualize-speculatively --param=vect-max-layout-candidates=8192 --param=sra-max-propagations=1024 --param=max-stores-to-track=1048576 --param=max-stores-to-sink=16 --param=max-stores-to-merge=8192 --param=max-store-chains-to-track=65536 --param=max-reload-search-insns=512 --param=max-hoist-depth=0 --param=max-gcse-memory=8000000 --param=loop-invariant-max-bbs-in-loop=100000 --param=max-cse-insns=10000 --param=max-dse-active-local-stores=5000 --param=max-cselib-memory-locations=5000 --param=max-cse-path-length=10000 --param=max-inline-insns-recursive=300 --param=loop-max-datarefs-for-datadeps=200000 --param=iv-max-considered-uses=50000 --param=max-peeled-insns=64 --param=iv-always-prune-cand-set-bound=100 --param=ira-max-conflict-table-size=80000 --param=ira-consider-dup-in-all-alts=1 --param=ipa-max-param-expr-ops=512 --param=ipa-max-loop-predicates=320 --param=ipa-max-agg-items=3200 --param=ipa-max-aa-steps=250000 --param=ipa-jump-function-lookups=32768 --param=dse-max-alias-queries-per-store=20480 --param=dse-max-object-size=2048 --param=max-tail-merge-iterations=10 --param=max-tail-merge-comparisons=1000 --param=loop-versioning-max-inner-insns=100 --param=loop-versioning-max-outer-insns=64"

unset FLAGS params3=($LDFLAGS) FLAGS2="" for flag in ${params3[@]}; do if [[ -z $(echo " $flag" | grep -E "[-]fuse-ld|[-]fno-omit-frame-pointer|-fomit-frame-pointer|-fuse-ld" ) && -n '$FLAGS2' ]]; then FLAGS2="$FLAGS2 $flag" echo "if branch: $flag" elif [[ -z $(echo " $flag" | grep -E "[-]fuse-ld|[-]fno-omit-frame-pointer|-fomit-frame-pointer|-fuse-ld") ]]; then FLAGS2="$flag" echo "elif branch: $flag" fi done echo "FLAGS: ${FLAGS[@]}" export LDFLAGS="-lrt "

sed -i "s/if get_option[(]'enable_openvr_support'[)]/if false/" "$srcdir/$_pkgname/"

 arch-meson "$srcdir/$_pkgname" build \
    --buildtype release \
    --force-fallback-for=wlroots,libliftoff,stb \
    -Dpipewire=enabled \
    -Dwlroots:backends=drm,libinput,x11 \
    -Dwlroots:renderers=gles2,vulkan \
    -Db_pch=false \
    -Dcpp_args="$CXXFLAGS" \
sed -i "s/if get_option[(]'enable_openvr_support'[)]/if false/" "$srcdir/$_pkgname/"

cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname"

ninja -C build


package() { cd "${_pkgname}"

meson install -C build --skip-subprojects --destdir "$pkgdir"

cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname"

install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
install -Dm644 "" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/"


patlefort commented on 2024-02-02 18:29 (UTC)

It's missing the following dependencies: hwdata, libavif, seatd, libinput and xcb-util-wm in depends and cmake in makedepends.

Sid127 commented on 2024-01-29 16:39 (UTC) (edited on 2024-01-29 16:39 (UTC) by Sid127)

could you please fix the conflict this package has with libdisplay-info and libliftoff. Including those libs in this package is not the correct way to do it and it breaks compatibility with other wayland compositors

gamescope-git: /usr/bin/di-edid-decode exists in filesystem (owned by libdisplay-info)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem (owned by libdisplay-info)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem (owned by libdisplay-info)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem (owned by libdisplay-info)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem (owned by libliftoff)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem (owned by libliftoff)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libdisplay-info.pc exists in filesystem (owned by libdisplay-info)
gamescope-git: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libliftoff.pc exists in filesystem (owned by libliftoff)

mkopec commented on 2024-01-29 16:06 (UTC)

Since commit gamescope requires OpenVR 2, which is not yet provided by the openvr package, so until the package gets updated, building gamescope-git requires installing openvr-git.

This package itself is not out of date, so it should not be marked as such.

muhgoslav_klose commented on 2024-01-27 10:54 (UTC)

Since it did not compile for me for a few days now and it threw

error "GLM: GLM_GTX_matrix_operation is an experimental extension and may change in the future.

I looked into it and this simple patch fixes the build when added to $source

diff --git a/gamescope/src/color_helpers.h b/gamescope/src/color_helpers.h
index 51aaedc..3278354 100644
--- a/src/color_helpers.h
+++ b/src/color_helpers.h
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 #pragma once

 #include <algorithm>

hashworks commented on 2024-01-04 19:21 (UTC)

Needs "libavif" dep. And as others have said, builds with a dependency on "libdisplay-info", not with the included libdisplay-info.git.

slimb commented on 2023-12-14 00:40 (UTC)

@Vash63 yeah I got the issue too. Also not sure why gamescope-git has libliftoff in the sources instead of depends. I see in the gamescope PKGBUILD they just add a normal dependency to

patlefort commented on 2023-12-10 14:13 (UTC)

../subprojects/wlroots/backend/drm/util.c:6:10: fatal error: libdisplay-info/cvt.h: No such file or directory
    6 | #include <libdisplay-info/cvt.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

libdisplay-info is found by meson but something is missing so it can find its include files. This is in clean chroot.

Vash63 commented on 2023-11-25 09:18 (UTC)

Anyone else getting this when launching?

gamescope: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libliftoff appears to be included in the PKGBUILD so I don't see why I would need to install it separately, and it's not in the depends.