Upstream does versioned releases, so the pkgver should reflect that:
pkgver() {
git -C $_gitname describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-\)g/r\1/;s/-/./g'
This produces the more accurate version 7.16.0.r16.56b1f62f
(A similar example is available in /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-vcs.proto
, but that has a leading v
and assumes all tags are annotated, which they aren't here.)
does not need to be bumped btw, as per pacman's vercmp
, numbers are strictly greater than letters, so the new version will be considered "increasing".
Also, license should be corrected to LGPL2.1
Pinned Comments
nfnty commented on 2015-12-27 08:48 (UTC)