Package Details: ttf-ms-win11-zh_tw 10.0.22631.3737-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: ttf-ms-win11
Description: Microsoft Windows 11 Traditional Chinese TrueType fonts
Upstream URL:
Licenses: custom
Conflicts: ttf-vista-fonts
Provides: ttf-font
Submitter: Vaporeon
Maintainer: Vaporeon (Scimmia)
Last Packager: Scimmia
Votes: 26
Popularity: 1.02
First Submitted: 2021-10-11 13:33 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-06-12 02:47 (UTC)

Dependencies (0)

Required by (252)

Sources (144)

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mber commented on 2024-06-20 13:02 (UTC)

The SegoeIcons.ttf checksum appears to be out of date again. I got my ISO directly from the link in the PKGBUILD.

Exactly what version of windows you get from the ISO appears to be opaque and they don't let you choose the version, so I don't have much choice here but to skip the checksum.

Scimmia commented on 2024-04-07 12:03 (UTC)

No, use the correct version of the PKGBUILD

ldkxingzhe commented on 2024-04-07 10:53 (UTC)

@whiteman808 can use makepkg --skipchecksums skip the ttf file checksums

Scimmia commented on 2024-02-16 18:10 (UTC)

Because you have the wrong version. Pay attention to the pkgver.

whiteman808 commented on 2024-02-16 17:47 (UTC) (edited on 2024-02-16 17:48 (UTC) by whiteman808)

I got checksums mismatch error

==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
arial.ttf ... Passed
arialbd.ttf ... Passed
ariali.ttf ... Passed
arialbi.ttf ... Passed
ariblk.ttf ... Passed
bahnschrift.ttf ... Passed
calibri.ttf ... Passed
calibrib.ttf ... Passed
calibrii.ttf ... Passed
calibriz.ttf ... Passed
calibril.ttf ... Passed
calibrili.ttf ... Passed
cambria.ttc ... Passed
cambriab.ttf ... Passed
cambriai.ttf ... Passed
cambriaz.ttf ... Passed
Candara.ttf ... Passed
Candarab.ttf ... Passed
Candarai.ttf ... Passed
Candaraz.ttf ... Passed
Candaral.ttf ... Passed
Candarali.ttf ... Passed
comic.ttf ... Passed
comicbd.ttf ... Passed
comici.ttf ... Passed
comicz.ttf ... Passed
consola.ttf ... Passed
consolab.ttf ... Passed
consolai.ttf ... Passed
consolaz.ttf ... Passed
constan.ttf ... Passed
constanb.ttf ... Passed
constani.ttf ... Passed
constanz.ttf ... Passed
corbel.ttf ... Passed
corbelb.ttf ... Passed
corbeli.ttf ... Passed
corbelz.ttf ... Passed
corbell.ttf ... Passed
corbelli.ttf ... Passed
cour.ttf ... Passed
courbd.ttf ... Passed
couri.ttf ... Passed
courbi.ttf ... Passed
framd.ttf ... Passed
framdit.ttf ... Passed
Gabriola.ttf ... Passed
georgia.ttf ... Passed
georgiab.ttf ... Passed
georgiai.ttf ... Passed
georgiaz.ttf ... Passed
impact.ttf ... Passed
Inkfree.ttf ... Passed
l_10646.ttf ... Passed
lucon.ttf ... Passed
marlett.ttf ... Passed
micross.ttf ... Passed
pala.ttf ... Passed
palab.ttf ... Passed
palai.ttf ... Passed
palabi.ttf ... Passed
segmdl2.ttf ... Passed
SegoeIcons.ttf ... FAILED
segoepr.ttf ... Passed
segoeprb.ttf ... Passed
segoesc.ttf ... Passed
segoescb.ttf ... Passed
segoeui.ttf ... Passed
segoeuib.ttf ... Passed
segoeuii.ttf ... Passed
segoeuiz.ttf ... Passed
segoeuil.ttf ... Passed
seguili.ttf ... Passed
segoeuisl.ttf ... Passed
seguisli.ttf ... Passed
seguibl.ttf ... Passed
seguibli.ttf ... Passed
seguiemj.ttf ... FAILED
seguihis.ttf ... Passed
seguisb.ttf ... Passed
seguisbi.ttf ... Passed
seguisym.ttf ... Passed
SegUIVar.ttf ... Passed
SitkaVF.ttf ... Passed
SitkaVF-Italic.ttf ... Passed
sylfaen.ttf ... Passed
symbol.ttf ... Passed
tahoma.ttf ... Passed
tahomabd.ttf ... Passed
times.ttf ... Passed
timesbd.ttf ... Passed
timesi.ttf ... Passed
timesbi.ttf ... Passed
trebuc.ttf ... Passed
trebucbd.ttf ... Passed
trebucit.ttf ... Passed
trebucbi.ttf ... Passed
verdana.ttf ... Passed
verdanab.ttf ... Passed
verdanai.ttf ... Passed
verdanaz.ttf ... Passed
webdings.ttf ... Passed
wingding.ttf ... Passed
msgothic.ttc ... Passed
YuGothR.ttc ... Passed
YuGothB.ttc ... Passed
YuGothM.ttc ... Passed
YuGothL.ttc ... Passed
malgun.ttf ... Passed
malgunbd.ttf ... Passed
malgunsl.ttf ... Passed
javatext.ttf ... Passed
himalaya.ttf ... Passed
ntailu.ttf ... Passed
ntailub.ttf ... Passed
phagspa.ttf ... Passed
phagspab.ttf ... Passed
taile.ttf ... Passed
taileb.ttf ... Passed
msyi.ttf ... Passed
monbaiti.ttf ... Passed
mmrtext.ttf ... Passed
mmrtextb.ttf ... Passed
Nirmala.ttf ... Passed
NirmalaB.ttf ... Passed
NirmalaS.ttf ... Passed
LeelawUI.ttf ... Passed
LeelaUIb.ttf ... Passed
LeelUIsl.ttf ... Passed
simsun.ttc ... FAILED
simsunb.ttf ... FAILED
msyh.ttc ... FAILED
msyhbd.ttc ... FAILED
msyhl.ttc ... FAILED
msjh.ttc ... Passed
msjhbd.ttc ... FAILED
msjhl.ttc ... Passed
mingliub.ttc ... Passed
ebrima.ttf ... Passed
ebrimabd.ttf ... Passed
gadugi.ttf ... Passed
gadugib.ttf ... Passed
mvboli.ttf ... Passed
license.rtf ... Skipped

wasabi commented on 2024-01-31 12:02 (UTC)

Aaand that was exactly the problem.. preview update. I've now grabbed the fonts & license from an ISO without this update instead and they work. Thanks!

Scimmia commented on 2024-01-31 04:07 (UTC)

There's a preview update out right now, 22631.3085, that won't actually be out for another 2 weeks. If you have that, that would explain the mismatch.

wasabi commented on 2024-01-31 03:27 (UTC) (edited on 2024-01-31 03:44 (UTC) by wasabi)

Hey, i've copied fonts and license straight from an updated Windows11 Pro installation, everything passes the validity check except from SegoeIcons.ttf, checksum might be outdated, if you could please double check?