RabbitLime: you can define an env variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland;xcb
, so you don't have to manually add this in the Exec line of each app.
Search Criteria
Package Details: mathematica 14.1.0-1
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | https://aur.archlinux.org/mathematica.git (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | mathematica |
Description: | A computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing with offline documentation. |
Upstream URL: | http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/ |
Licenses: | LicenseRef-WolframMathematicaLicenseAgreement |
Submitter: | Feanor12 |
Maintainer: | JP-Ellis (marmis) |
Last Packager: | marmis |
Votes: | 80 |
Popularity: | 0.67 |
First Submitted: | 2011-03-03 21:27 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-24 03:20 (UTC) |
Dependencies (53)
- openmp
- curl (curl-http3-ngtcp2AUR, curl-gitAUR, curl-c-aresAUR) (make)
- inetutils (inetutils-gitAUR, busybox-coreutilsAUR) (make)
- rsync (rsync-gitAUR, rsync-reflinkAUR, rsync-reflink-gitAUR) (make)
- alsa-lib (optional)
- atk (at-spi2-core-gitAUR, at-spi2-core) (optional)
- cairo (cairo-gitAUR) (optional)
- ffmpeg (ffmpeg-nvcodec-11-1-gitAUR, ffmpeg-cudaAUR, ffmpeg-decklinkAUR, ffmpeg-amd-fullAUR, ffmpeg-ffplayoutAUR, ffmpeg-gitAUR, ffmpeg-headlessAUR, ffmpeg-amd-full-gitAUR, ffmpeg-obsAUR, ffmpeg-libfdk_aacAUR, ffmpeg-fullAUR, ffmpeg-full-gitAUR) (optional)
- fontconfig (fontconfig-gitAUR, fontconfig-ubuntuAUR) (optional)
- gdk-pixbuf2 (gdk-pixbuf2-gitAUR) (optional)
- glib2 (glib2-gitAUR, glib2-selinuxAUR, glib2-patched-thumbnailerAUR) (optional)
- glu (glu-gitAUR) (optional)
- gmimeAUR (optional)
- gmp (gmp-hgAUR) (optional)
- gtk2 (gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-viewAUR) (optional)
- harfbuzz (harfbuzz-gitAUR) (optional)
- intel-tbb (onetbb-gitAUR, onetbb) (optional)
- java-environment (jdk12AUR, jdk10AUR, jdk10-openj9-binAUR, jdk7AUR, amazon-corretto-16AUR, jdk8-graalvm-binAUR, jdk16-graalvm-binAUR, jdk16-adoptopenjdkAUR, liberica-jre-11-binAUR, jdk11-j9-binAUR, jdk11-jbr-xdgAUR, jdk16-openjdkAUR, jdk14-openjdkAUR, jdk18-openjdkAUR, amazon-corretto-19-binAUR, jdk19-graalvm-binAUR, liberica-jre-11-full-binAUR, jdk19-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk13-openjdk-binAUR, liberica-jre-8-full-binAUR, jdk11-graalvm-binAUR, jdk-openj9AUR, jdk11-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk12-openjdkAUR, jdk11-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk11-jetbrains-binAUR, jdk20-graalvm-binAUR, jdk17-graalvm-binAUR, jdk20-openj9-binAUR, zulu-13-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk11-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk17-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk8-j9-binAUR, jdk7-j9-binAUR, jdk7r1-j9-binAUR, jdk13-openjdkAUR, jdk15-openjdkAUR, jdk21-graalvm-binAUR, jdk17-jetbrainsAUR, jdk8-openj9-binAUR, jdk-ltsAUR, microsoft-openjdk-11-binAUR, microsoft-openjdk-17-binAUR, microsoft-openjdk-21-binAUR, liberica-nik-24-full-binAUR, jdk21-jetbrains-gitAUR, zulu-17-binAUR, zulu-8-binAUR, mandrel-binAUR, mandrel24-binAUR, liberica-jdk-17-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-lite-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-binAUR, jdk17-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk21-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk22-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk20-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk22-graalvm-binAUR, jdk19-openjdkAUR, jdk17-jetbrains-binAUR, zulu-jdk-fx-binAUR, jabba-binAUR, jdk21-jetbrainsAUR, jdk17-zulu-prime-binAUR, java-openjdk-binAUR, amazon-corretto-17AUR, amazon-corretto-21-binAUR, jdk21-temurinAUR, amazon-corretto-8AUR, amazon-corretto-11AUR, jdk11-temurinAUR, liberica-jdk-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-21-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-8-full-binAUR, jdk17-temurinAUR, jdk8-temurinAUR, zulu-21-binAUR, jdk-temurinAUR, jdk8AUR, zulu-17-fx-binAUR, jdk8-perfAUR, zulu-fx-binAUR, zulu8-fx-binAUR, zulu11-fx-binAUR, zulu17-fx-binAUR, zulu21-fx-binAUR, jdk11-openj9-binAUR, jre-jetbrainsAUR, jdk-openjdk-wakefieldAUR, jdk21-openj9-binAUR, zulu-23-binAUR, jdkAUR, jre-zulu-binAUR, jre-zulu-fx-binAUR, jdk21-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk21-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk-android-studioAUR, jdk17-openj9-binAUR, jdk23-graalvm-ee-binAUR, zing-8-binAUR, zing-21-binAUR, jdk21-jetbrains-binAUR, jdk11AUR, openjdk-zulu-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu8-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu11-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu17-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu21-ca-fx-binAUR, jdk-openj9-binAUR, zulu-11-binAUR, jdk8-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-extendedAUR, java-openjdk-ea-binAUR, jdk-openjdk, jdk11-openjdk, jdk17-openjdk, jdk21-openjdk, jdk8-openjdk) (optional)
- java-runtime (jre10AUR, jre12AUR, jdk10AUR, jdk10-openj9-binAUR, jdk7AUR, jre7AUR, amazon-corretto-16AUR, jdk8-graalvm-binAUR, jdk16-graalvm-binAUR, jdk16-adoptopenjdkAUR, liberica-jre-11-binAUR, jdk11-j9-binAUR, jre11-jbr-xdgAUR, jre16-openjdkAUR, jre14-openjdkAUR, jre15AUR, jre14AUR, jre13AUR, jre16AUR, jre18-openjdkAUR, amazon-corretto-19-binAUR, jdk19-graalvm-binAUR, liberica-jre-11-full-binAUR, jdk19-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk13-openjdk-binAUR, liberica-jre-8-full-binAUR, jdk11-graalvm-binAUR, jre-openj9AUR, jdk11-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jre12-openjdkAUR, jdk11-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk11-jetbrains-binAUR, jdk20-graalvm-binAUR, jdk17-graalvm-binAUR, jdk20-openj9-binAUR, zulu-13-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk11-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk17-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk8-j9-binAUR, jdk7-j9-binAUR, jdk7r1-j9-binAUR, jre13-openjdkAUR, jre15-openjdkAUR, jdk21-graalvm-binAUR, jre17-jetbrainsAUR, jdk8-openj9-binAUR, jre-ltsAUR, microsoft-openjdk-11-binAUR, microsoft-openjdk-17-binAUR, microsoft-openjdk-21-binAUR, liberica-nik-24-full-binAUR, jre21-jetbrains-gitAUR, jdk21-jetbrains-gitAUR, zulu-17-binAUR, zulu-8-binAUR, mandrel-binAUR, mandrel24-binAUR, liberica-jdk-17-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-lite-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-11-binAUR, jdk17-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk21-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk22-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk20-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk22-graalvm-binAUR, jre19-openjdkAUR, jdk17-jetbrains-binAUR, zulu-jdk-fx-binAUR, jre21-jetbrainsAUR, jdk17-zulu-prime-binAUR, jre17AUR, java-openjdk-binAUR, amazon-corretto-17AUR, amazon-corretto-21-binAUR, jdk21-temurinAUR, amazon-corretto-8AUR, amazon-corretto-11AUR, jdk11-temurinAUR, liberica-jdk-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-21-full-binAUR, liberica-jdk-8-full-binAUR, jdk17-temurinAUR, jdk8-temurinAUR, zulu-21-binAUR, jdk-temurinAUR, jre8AUR, jdk8AUR, zulu-17-fx-binAUR, jdk8-perfAUR, zulu-jre-fx-binAUR, zulu-fx-binAUR, zulu8-fx-binAUR, zulu11-fx-binAUR, zulu17-fx-binAUR, zulu21-fx-binAUR, jdk11-openj9-binAUR, jre-jetbrainsAUR, jre-openjdk-wakefieldAUR, jdk-openjdk-wakefieldAUR, jdk21-openj9-binAUR, zulu-23-binAUR, jreAUR, jdkAUR, jre-zulu-binAUR, jre-zulu-fx-binAUR, jdk21-dragonwell-standard-binAUR, jdk21-dragonwell-extended-binAUR, jdk-android-studioAUR, jdk17-openj9-binAUR, jre-zuluAUR, jre-zulu-fxAUR, jre21-zulu-binAUR, jre17-zulu-binAUR, jdk23-graalvm-ee-binAUR, zing-8-binAUR, zing-21-binAUR, jdk21-jetbrains-binAUR, jre11AUR, openjdk-zulu-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu8-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu11-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu17-ca-fx-binAUR, openjdk-zulu21-ca-fx-binAUR, jdk-openj9-binAUR, zulu-11-binAUR, jdk8-graalvm-ee-binAUR, jdk8-dragonwell-extendedAUR, java-openjdk-ea-binAUR, jdk-openjdk, jdk11-openjdk, jdk17-openjdk, jdk21-openjdk, jre-openjdk, jre11-openjdk, jre17-openjdk, jre21-openjdk, jre8-openjdk) (optional)
- leptonica (optional)
- libbson (mongo-c-driver) (optional)
- libffi (libffi-gitAUR) (optional)
- libmongoc (mongo-c-driver) (optional)
- libogg (libogg-gitAUR) (optional)
- libpng12 (optional)
- libselinuxAUR (optional)
- libsm (optional)
- libssh2 (libssh2-gitAUR) (optional)
- libutil-linux (util-linux-libs-aesAUR, util-linux-libs-selinuxAUR, util-linux-libs) (optional)
- libx11 (libx11-gitAUR) (optional)
- libxcomposite (optional)
- libxml2 (libxml2-gitAUR, libxml2-2.9AUR) (optional)
- libxrandr (libxrandr-gitAUR) (optional)
- libxslt (libxslt-gitAUR) (optional)
- libxss (optional)
- libxtst (optional)
- libxxf86vm (optional)
- mesa-demos (optional) – for improved graphics output
- ncurses (ncurses-gitAUR) (optional)
- nvidia-utils (nvidia-410xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-440xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-430xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-vulkan-utilsAUR, nvidia-535xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-470xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-390xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-utils-teslaAUR, nvidia-utils-betaAUR, nvidia-510xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-340xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-550xx-utilsAUR, nvidia-525xx-utilsAUR) (optional)
- openssl-1.0AUR (optional)
- pango (pango-gitAUR) (optional)
- pixman (pixman-gitAUR) (optional)
- portaudio (optional)
- postgresql-libs (postgresql-libs-12AUR, postgresql13-libsAUR, postgresql-libs-gitAUR) (optional)
- python (python37AUR, python311AUR, python310AUR) (optional)
- qt5-declarative (qt5-declarative-gitAUR) (optional)
- qt5-multimedia (optional)
- qt5-webengine (optional)
- qt5-xmlpatterns (qt5-xmlpatterns-gitAUR) (optional)
- r (r-mklAUR) (optional)
- tesseract (tesseract-gitAUR) (optional)
- zlib (zlib-ng-compat-gitAUR, zlib-gitAUR, zlib-ng-compat) (optional)
Required by (1)
Sources (2)
Latest Comments
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iyanmv commented on 2022-06-02 11:16 (UTC)
RabbitLime commented on 2022-03-24 10:07 (UTC)
Can't launch it in Gnome Wayland. But just add 'QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb', then solve it.
JP-Ellis commented on 2022-03-15 22:40 (UTC)
Updated to 13.0.1
This release includes hundreds of bug fixes, feature enhancements and performance improvements, including a security update for log4j.
Thanks for everyone's patience as I was waiting to be able to download the installer from Wolfram.
hel commented on 2022-03-14 18:49 (UTC)
Download link for 13.0.1 (I got this from wolfram support):
JP-Ellis commented on 2022-03-08 04:59 (UTC)
Unfortunately, I am still unable to download v13.0.1 which makes it impossible for me to update the PKGBUILD at this time.
In the past, Wolfram has made updates available to a few users before making everything broadly available, and perhaps this is what is going on here. Hopefully I will get access to v13.0.1 soon.
qumaciel commented on 2022-03-04 15:49 (UTC)
@prs, can you elaborate on the required changes for 13.0.1?!
prs commented on 2022-02-23 10:54 (UTC)
Greetings all! Since the 13.0.1 version has arrived about a month ago, I made a branch 13_0_1 and did some required changes. Kindly assist me with the process of making a pull request.
Also, I'm in a University where they have access to Mathematica so I might provide help in this repository with regards to updating the PKGBUILD.
kjslag commented on 2021-12-14 00:23 (UTC)
Version 13 fixes the text rendering issue for 3D plots for me. Here's a PKGBUILD: https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/raw/ajiqexijog
JP-Ellis commented on 2021-12-13 22:14 (UTC)
I see that v13 has been released. I will be upgrading the package once I have access to it.
<deleted-account> commented on 2021-10-16 00:26 (UTC)
I think the categories should be
Instead of
Pinned Comments
marmis commented on 2024-12-24 03:37 (UTC)
have been updated to 14.1. Matematica is being rebranded to WolframApp or just Wolfram. Because of that, you might have to update your current configuration according to Upgrading from Mathematica to Wolfram:$UserBaseDirectory
is now~/.Wolfram
(you may need tomv ~/.Mathematica ~/.Wolfram
(for additional arguments to Wolfram)MATHEMATICA_BASE
(for custom$BaseDirectory
(for custom$UserBaseDirectory
)JP-Ellis commented on 2022-10-08 00:22 (UTC) (edited on 2023-08-19 12:56 (UTC) by JP-Ellis)
Wolfram offers two bundles for Mathematica: one with offline docs included, and one which relies on online docs. I have created corresponding version of the Mathematica package in the AUR:
: As this package has historically always included offline docs, it will continue to do so now. As of 13.1.0, the package takes up around 14.1GiB with all documentation.mathematica-light
: For those people who want a small package and/or want to use online docs, I have created this package which uses Wolfram's online-docs bundling of Mathematica. As of 13.3, the light version takes up around 7.2GiB.