Search Criteria
Package Details: sdl 1:1.2.15+r556+g0237f339-1
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | sdl |
Description: | A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard |
Upstream URL: | |
Keywords: | sdl |
Licenses: | LGPL-2.1-only |
Submitter: | arojas |
Maintainer: | HurricanePootis |
Last Packager: | HurricanePootis |
Votes: | 1 |
Popularity: | 0.000000 |
First Submitted: | 2022-05-02 17:49 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-11-10 04:56 (UTC) |
Dependencies (13)
- glibc (glibc-gitAUR, glibc-linux4AUR, glibc-eacAUR, glibc-eac-binAUR, glibc-eac-rocoAUR)
- libx11 (libx11-gitAUR)
- libxext (libxext-gitAUR)
- libxrender
- sndio (sndio-gitAUR)
- tslib (tslib-gitAUR)
- alsa-lib (make)
- git (git-gitAUR, git-glAUR) (make)
- glu (glu-gitAUR) (make)
- libpulse (pulseaudio-dummyAUR, libpulse-gitAUR) (make)
- mesa (mesa-minimal-gitAUR, mesa-gitAUR, mesa-wsl2-gitAUR, amdonly-gaming-mesa-gitAUR, mesa-amd-bc250AUR, mesa-amber) (make)
- alsa-lib (optional) – ALSA audio driver
- libpulse (pulseaudio-dummyAUR, libpulse-gitAUR) (optional) – PulseAudio audio driver
Required by (375)
- 2048-cli-git
- a7xpg
- abc80sim-git
- abe
- achilles
- actionfps-client
- actionfps-client (make)
- actionfps-common (make)
- actionfps-server (make)
- aesthe-svn
- agar (optional)
- agg-2.6-git
- android-devel
- animtext
- antigravitaattori
- aosp-devel
- arcade-learning-environment
- arnold-bin
- arx-libertatis-bin
- assaultcube-reloaded
- assaultcube-reloaded-git
- atari++
- atari800
- atari800-a8cas-custom
- atari800-git
- ativayeban-git
- audaspace-git
- audiality2-git
- avidemux-2.6 (make)
- avidemux-2.6 (optional)
- awale
- azimuth-bin
- ballerburg
- basiliskii-emaculation-git
- bastion-hib
- battlejump
- beebem
- berusky
- biniax2
- bittriprunner-hib
- blackshades-svn
- blackvoxel
- blockout2
- blockout2-bin
- bluecherry-client-git
- boswars
- brickshooter
- brokensword-hib
- bsg-diaspora-sa
- bsnes-plus-git
- btanks
- bumprace
- cannonball
- cannonball-git
- cavestory+-hb
- cgterm
- cgterm-git
- chibitracker-git
- circuslinux
- clonekeen
- closure-hib
- comskip-git (optional)
- coolvlviewer
- coolvlviewer-bin
- coolvlviewer-experimental
- coolvlviewer-experimental-bin
- crimson
- crrcsim-hg
- dante-egl-git
- darkplaces
- darwinia
- deadascend
- defcon-hib
- defendguin
- deflemask
- digger
- directfb
- dkoch-git
- doom2d-rembo
- doukutsu
- dwarffortress-ironhand
- dwarffortress-linuxdwarfpack-appimage
- ecwolf-git (make)
- erlang-sdl
- etqw
- eviltris
- fabother-world-git
- fbzx-git
- fceux-gtk3-git
- ffdiaporama
- ffmpeg-compat-54
- ffmpeg-compat-55
- ffmpeg2.8
- fim (optional)
- firestorm
- firestorm-beta-bin
- firestorm-bin
- firestorm-git
- firestorm-next-bin
- flaw
- freeblocks
- freegish-git
- freesiege
- fs2_open-git
- fuse-emulator
- fuse-emulator-git
- fuse-emulator-sdl
- fuse-emulator-utils
- gate88
- gearhead
- gearhead2
- generator
- gluqlo-git
- gngeo-git
- gpmd85emulator
- gpmd85emulator-git
- grub-git
- grub-xen-git
- gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (make)
- gunroar
- gura (make)
- gura (optional)
- hammerfight
- hase-git
- heroes
- hex-a-hop
- hex-a-hop-git
- hexen2
- higan-qq (make)
- higan-qq (optional)
- highmoon
- ibniz
- ibniz-git
- ipxgw-git
- joyce
- jumpman
- jzintv
- ketm
- kilombo-git (make)
- koboredux-git
- kokua-opensim
- kokua-secondlife
- legend-of-grimrock
- lib32-sdl
- lib32-sdl-git
- libananke (make)
- libde265-git (make)
- libde265-git (optional)
- libgraph
- libisam (optional)
- libmlv0
- libmlv0-dev
- librepilot
- libretro-cannonball-git
- libretro-dosbox-core-git
- libretro-picodrive-git
- libsaasound
- lierolibre
- linapple-git
- linux-air-combat
- linux-air-combat-appimage
- lives (optional)
- lkeyholetv (optional)
- lmms-beta-bin
- lmms-git
- loopdub
- love07
- lush (optional)
- lxdream-git
- markoftheninja-hib
- matrixbrandy
- mdxmini-git (make)
- mdxplay-git
- mdxplay-git (make)
- mega-happy-sprite
- mhwaveedit-git
- minecraft-pi
- minivmac
- minivmac-beta
- moon-lander
- morse-x
- mpg123-svn (make)
- mplayer-vaapi
- mu-cade
- multiwinia
- nanopond
- neopop_sdl
- netrek-client-cow-git
- netrunner-bin
- nikwi-deluxe-bin
- ntrviewer-git
- oacapture
- oacapture-git
- obnc
- ocaml-ocamlsdl
- oip
- openarena
- openarena-complete-git
- openarena-git
- openboard-develop
- openboard-develop-git
- openboard-git
- openglide-git
- openhevc-git
- openlierox
- openmsx
- openttd-btpro
- openttd-jgrpp-git
- opentx-companion
- opentx-companion-bin
- openxcom-docs-git (make)
- openxcom-docs-hueponik (make)
- openxcom-extended
- openxcom-extended-docs-git (make)
- openxcom-extended-git
- openxcom-extended-git (make)
- openxcom-git
- openxcom-git (make)
- openxcom-hueponik
- openxcom-hueponik (make)
- pengupop
- perl-alien-sdl
- petalinux
- phlipple-svn
- pipepanic
- pmars-sdl-git
- pokemini-common (make)
- pokemini-gtk
- pokemini-gtk (make)
- pokemini-sdl2 (make)
- pom1
- powder
- prey
- prey-demo
- psdoom-ng
- q-zandronum
- q2pro-git
- qastrocam-g2-svn (optional)
- qrencode-git (make)
- quake2
- quake4
- quake4-demo
- quake4-multiplayer-demo
- quirc (make)
- raceintospace
- raceintospace-git
- rocket-editor-git
- ruby-rubysdl
- s25rttr-nightly-bin
- sam
- savagewheels
- scavenger
- sdl-jstest
- sdl-jstest (make)
- sdl-jstest-git
- sdl2-jstest (make)
- sdlconsole
- sdlhack (make)
- sdlmame-0137
- sdlroids
- sdl_pango
- sdl_stretch
- serdisplib
- sfxr
- sfxr-qt
- sfxr-qt-bin
- shank2
- sheepshaver-git
- shmupmametgm
- sidplayer
- simcoupe
- simpmd-git
- singularityviewer
- singularityviewer-alpha
- slideshow
- sludge
- smalltalk
- smokinguns-git
- smpeg0
- snapshot-hib
- snowmix
- solitude
- sometris-git
- sopwith
- sound-of-sorting-git
- sparrow3d-git
- spaz-hib
- spheres-of-chaos
- stargus-git
- steamworlddig
- summon
- sunvox-1.x
- supermodel-git
- supermodel-sinden-git
- syasokoban
- synaesthesia
- texmaster
- ti99sim
- ti99sim (make)
- tile-world
- tinyandbig
- tinyandbig-hib
- titanion
- tizonia-all-git
- tomenet
- torus-trooper
- tremulous
- tremulous-git
- tremulous-grangerhub-bin
- triplane-classic
- tsotc
- tumiki-fighters
- tunneler-git
- tunneltanks-git
- tuxpuck
- tuxracer
- tuxtype
- twombit
- ulam-git
- urbanterror
- urbanterror41
- ut2004-gog
- ut2004-steam
- vba-rr-git
- vecx-git
- vegastrike-engine
- vegastrike-engine-release-git
- virtualbox-bin
- virtualbox-ext-vnc-svn (make)
- virtualbox-guest-utils-nox-svn (make)
- virtualbox-guest-utils-svn (make)
- virtualbox-host-dkms-svn (make)
- virtualbox-kvm
- virtualbox-kvm (make)
- virtualbox-sdk-svn (make)
- virtualbox-svn
- virtualbox-svn (make)
- virtualbox6-bin
- virtualbox6.1-bin
- virtualjaguar-git
- vix-git
- voxatron-hib
- vspcplay
- vspcplay-git
- waveengine
- wesnoth-1.0
- wesnoth-1.10
- wesnoth-1.12
- wesnoth-1.2
- wesnoth-1.4
- wesnoth-1.6
- wesnoth-1.8
- wings2
- wolf4sdl-bin
- worldofpadman
- worldofpadman-beta
- wxbase2.8-light (make)
- wxcommon2.8-light (make)
- wxgtk2.8
- wxgtk2.8-light
- wxgtk2.8-light (make)
- xine-lib-hg (make)
- xine-lib-hg (optional)
- xrick
- xu4-svn (make)
- z80e
- zandronum
- zandronum (make)
- zandronum-hg
- zandronum-hg (make)
- zatackax-git
- zenbound2
- zesarux (optional)
- zesarux-bin (optional)
- zesarux-git (optional)