Package Details: mpv-full 0.38.0-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: mpv-full
Description: A free, open source, and cross-platform media player (with all possible libs)
Upstream URL:
Keywords: hwaccel mpv player video
Licenses: GPL
Conflicts: mpv
Provides: mpv
Submitter: dbermond
Maintainer: dbermond
Last Packager: dbermond
Votes: 21
Popularity: 0.000102
First Submitted: 2017-02-15 20:52 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-04-18 17:58 (UTC)

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Required by (373)

Sources (1)

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kekonn commented on 2022-01-24 17:15 (UTC)

I am running into an issue with the build. At the end it errors with

==> Starting check()...
-> Running test '[cplayer]'...
[cplayer] mpv 0.34.1 Copyright © 2000-2021 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on UNKNOWN
[cplayer] FFmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       56.70.100
[cplayer]    libavcodec      58.134.100
[cplayer]    libavformat     58.76.100
[cplayer]    libswscale      5.9.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     7.110.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   3.9.100
[cplayer] FFmpeg version: n4.4.1
[cplayer] Configuration: ./waf distclean configure --enable-tests --color=yes --prefix=/usr --progress --confdir=/etc/mpv --disable-lgpl --enable-libmpv-shared --disable-libmpv-static --disable-static-build --disable-build-date --disable-debug-build --enable-manpage-build --disable-html-build --disable-pdf-build --enable-cplugins --disable-clang-database --disable-android --disable-tvos --disable-egl-android --disable-swift --disable-uwp --disable-win32-internal-pthreads --enable-iconv --enable-lua --enable-javascript --enable-zlib --enable-libbluray --enable-dvdnav --enable-cdda --enable-uchardet --enable-rubberband --enable-zimg --enable-lcms2 --enable-vapoursynth --enable-libarchive --enable-dvbin --enable-sdl2 --enable-sdl2-gamepad --enable-libavdevice --lua=52arch --enable-sdl2-audio --disable-oss-audio --enable-pulse --enable-jack --enable-openal --disable-opensles --enable-alsa --disable-coreaudio --disable-audiounit --disable-wasapi --enable-sdl2-video --disable-cocoa --enable-drm --enable-gbm --enable-wayland-scanner --enable-wayland-protocols --enable-wayland --enable-x11 --enable-xv --disable-gl-cocoa --enable-gl-x11 --enable-egl --enable-egl-x11 --enable-egl-drm --enable-gl-wayland --disable-gl-win32 --disable-gl-dxinterop --disable-egl-angle --disable-egl-angle-lib --disable-egl-angle-win32 --enable-vdpau --enable-vdpau-gl-x11 --enable-vaapi --enable-vaapi-x11 --enable-vaapi-wayland --enable-vaapi-drm --enable-vaapi-x-egl --enable-caca --enable-jpeg --disable-direct3d --enable-shaderc --enable-spirv-cross --disable-d3d11 --disable-rpi --disable-ios-gl --enable-plain-gl --enable-gl --enable-libplacebo --enable-vulkan --enable-sixel --disable-videotoolbox-gl --disable-d3d-hwaccel --disable-d3d9-hwaccel --disable-gl-dxinterop-d3d9 --enable-cuda-hwaccel --enable-cuda-interop --disable-rpi-mmal --disable-macos-touchbar --disable-macos-10-11-features --disable-macos-10-12-2-features --disable-macos-10-14-features --disable-macos-media-player --disable-macos-cocoa-cb
[cplayer] List of enabled features: 52arch alsa asm caca cdda cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel cuda-interop drm dvbin dvdnav egl egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 ffmpeg ffmpeg-aviocontext-bytes-read ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gpl iconv jackjavascript jpeg lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared libplacebo librt linux-fstatfs linux-input-event-codes lua memfd_create openal optimize plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw pthreads pulse rubberband sdl2 sdl2-audio sdl2-gamepad sdl2-video shaderc shaderc-shared sixel spirv-cross spirv-cross-shared stdatomic tests uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-vulkan vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vector vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zimg zlib
[ipc] Starting IPC master
[ipc] Listening to IPC socket.
0 unittests successfully run.
Exiting... (Fatal error)
[cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1
[cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1
[cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().

dbermond commented on 2021-11-28 01:41 (UTC)


BetaDoggo commented on 2021-11-28 01:21 (UTC)

Currently the url produced by line 29 in PKGBUILD, "source=("${pkgver}/mpv-${pkgver}.tar.gz", leads to a 404 page. As a workaround I replaced the url with the url for the current release "".

dbermond commented on 2021-08-10 18:49 (UTC)

@jango Looks like the github keeps changing the generated patch files, and this makes us to play catch with checksums here. If you check the latest package updates, you will see that the current correct checksum is the same as it was before. Package updated.

jango commented on 2021-08-10 13:40 (UTC) (edited on 2021-08-10 13:43 (UTC) by jango)

Just for correction the correct sha256sums for 010-mpv-libplacebo-fix.patch is ae67fd51cc42db3f2629c9a5fd5cbd11390fea7cae90b5e5c12ab9e8ac5019a9 i need to edit the package to finish the installation.

dbermond commented on 2020-10-07 18:26 (UTC)

@clidx I really do not know what can be causing this for you.

clidx commented on 2020-10-07 17:48 (UTC)

@dbermond I'm running mainline Arch which is fully up-to-date as of yesterday. I've tried the standard ffmpeg package. The error is the same. At this point I've tried every combination of mpv/ffmpeg standard/amd-full/git (as applicable). Removing the drmprime line gets rid of the error about prime not being detected and then says that AVCodecParameters isn't a valid type. I checked the source code and it's defined in av_common.h and as far as I can tell, not knowing any C, there is an attempt to include av_common.h at the top of the demux_raw.c file that the compiler is stopping on.